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Introduction/Training Module #101 - How Do You See Yourself?
Close your eyes for a moment, get quite and tell me what you see? Be honest, How do you see yourself? I want you to write down on a piece a paper and describe to me the way you feel and see yourself." (This will take a few minutes.)
Our lives are the byproduct of what is on the inside of us. Each of us have mental pictures in our mind and soul which have been shaped and developed by what we hear, see, and say. Many of the pictures in our lives are wrong and must be removed and replaced with new images of the way we want to be. The "good news" today is we can all change. We do not have to remain the same!
Now, I want you to close your eyes again. This time I want you picture and imagine the type of person you desire to become. Write these thoughts down. Go ahead and let your mind imagine. "Imagination" is a powerful force. How would you like to see yourself? How would you like others to see you?" (This should take a few minutes.)
I want to say it again: "The GOOD NEWS today is you do NOT have to remain the same! IF you desire to change your life you have come to the right place.
It is a proven fact and principle of life that what you are is a direct result of who you think you are.
"As a man thinks in heart (or reckons in his soul) so is he!"
The above statement is so true and has remained unchanged down through history. Your life today is a reflection of how you see yourself - on the inside. You may not be consciously aware of it, but, you have a picture album in your head and those pictures are a result of what has gone into your life and your belief and faith in them.
Many of you have been believing a lie and have not truly seen the real you. You have seen what others have told you you were. You saw what you were led to believe. You must take a look in the the right mirror and now begin seeing yourself as you really are. It is time change the way you have been thinking about yourself all your life and take some new pictures.
"If you change the picture, you change your life!"
I want you to take what you have written about the way you desire to see yourself and hold it in your hand. Read what you have written. Now, at the top of the sheet I want you to write the word, "Goal."
What you have in your hand is a goal. This is the person you want to become. Now comes a very, very important question:
"How are YOU going to reach and obtain this goal?"
This is where we lose most of the audience. Most people do NOT know how to set and achieve goals in their lives. A goal is more than a wish. A goal is a tangible substance, when mixed with faith, hope, discipline and commitment produces a positive explosion and great happenings in your life. You can be who you want to be and in so doing affect and change your life and the lives of those around you for the better.
You do NOT have to remain the same and live a defeated life, full of low self esteem and pity parties anymore. Ladies and gentleman, there is HOPE! You can become the person your heart longs to become. BUT (here is where we lose a lot more of the audience) it will require a lot of work, discipline and commitment on your part.
I could get up here and motivate, excite, and explain to you in detail how to incorporate a weight training program in your life. I could even have a set of free weights, or a weight training station here for you to see. I could perform various exercises and show you what the program has produced in my life. I could flex my muscles for you and tell you you could look like me someday. Most of you would get very excited and desirous of the results I have achieved.
Here is the punch line: Just my explaining and demonstrating for you will not produce one ounce of results in your life! The only way for YOU to experience and reap the benefits of my weight training program is through hands on experience and training yourself.
The same principle applies towards what I am sharing with you today. I will explain and demonstrate many things for you. Then it is up to you to change your life. I can remain a source of encouragement and support for you after this seminar, but it is YOU who will ultimately determine your destiny in life and which path to go down. I can lead you down the road to better health, self-help & improvement but you will need to at some point grab a hold of what I am sharing with you, commit to these truths, and discipline your life to obtain the desired results.
My goal today is to motivate and encourage you to, "Be All You Can Be!" Some of you are desperate and will grasp a hold of this message and run with it today and never be the same again. Others of you, who are not so desperate will think about it and continue to go your own way. It may take a rude awakening in your life or a few more seminars like this to really get you to see you need to make some changes in your life.
Our goal in life should be, "Prevention!" If we can prevent things from happening we are ahead of the game. Don't wait to hit bottom to look up and change. Continue to inventory your life, look ahead, set some goals and live up to your full potential. YOU CAN do it!
You have the goal in front of you. Again I want to reiterate: "How are you going to achieve this goal?"
Most of you do not know how. That is why you are here today. And, that is also why we are here. To help you map out a better plan and blueprint for your life. You may have all the right materials to build your dream home. You may have also hired the best contractor in the business. But unless your PLAN is full proof your dream home will fail. A faulty plan will produce misery and defeat in your life.
Therefore, you MUST learn how to develop the right plan for your life. This is where we come in. Let us help you change the blueprint for your life. Changing the blueprint and plan will require changing the picture inside of yourself. Many of you have been following the wrong plan for your life. That is the main reason you are in the mess you are today. You have been following the wrong plan which has been producing the WRONG results in your life.
I would like to share with you one definition of "Insanity." I borrowed this quote from a man whom I have long admired. He has a very impressive track record in these areas I am sharing with you, Zig Ziglar.
"One definition of insanity is to believe that you can keep on doing what you've been doing and get different results." You cannot continue doing what you've been doing and expect different results. That is, "crazy!"
Don't be deceived: "For whatsoever a mans sows, that shall he also REAP!" This is a perpetual principle. If you do not like the output (results) you have been reaping in your life then you are NOT sowing the right things into your life. It is as simple and complex as that.
To put if even simpler, as Zig has says: "To change the INPUT, you must first change the OUTPUT!" I remember hearing that truth around 1985. It took me almost fifteen years to get to a point in my life where this meant more to me than some nice words. I live by this principle now. It has and continues to change my life. I finally woke up one day, put my foot down and made a commitment to myself that if I wanted to stop defeat, low self esteem and misery in my life I would have to make some "radical" changes.
I was diagnosed with low blood sugar in 1992. This came as a result of 35 years of eating poorly. It took an ambulance ride to the Emergency Room to finally wake me up and bring me to my senses I needed to change my lifestyle in the area of diet and nutrition. I realized ten years prior I needed to change the food I was eating. I went on a health kick several times in an attempt to make some changes. But, I fell right back into my old ways and eating habits and drew ever closer to the day I would fully reap all I had sown.
I desired to change. I wanted to change. But, like many of you I lacked the knowledge, determination, commitment and discipline to make any lasting changes in my diet. I didn't change the picture in my life. Therefore I reaped the unfortunate consequences of consuming the wrong foods...hypoglycemia! Today, I am proud to say I have been victorious in overcoming and managing proper blood sugar levels in my life through diet, exercise, rest, fun, laughter, and a positive mental attitude.
For more information on seminars and our brand NEW book, "Change the Picture," please Email us:
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Larry Cappetto resides in beautiful western Colorado, with his wife, Nancy, and son, Timothy. Larry's popular best-selling paperback, "A Practical Guide To Health & Nutrition," is now available in EBook form. Written by a low blood sugar sufferer, Larry provides information to help anyone overcome and properly manage their blood sugar levels. The book is for anyone interested in obtaining better health & nutrition.
Larry is very much focused on, "prevention," self-help and improvement. Larry has spoken all over Colorado, teaching people how to obtain a successful, balanced lifestyle. Larry has authored and published several health & nutrition articles and books including, "What Do You Know About Fat, Skinny?" (The truth about weight loss) His new project, "Change the Picture, and Change Your Life," will soon be out in both paperback and EBook versions.
For more information contact Larry at,
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