Many people struggle to survive without realizing they have the power within to create change. With every new millennium we get the opportunity to work with new paradigms, or ways of experiencing life. The paradigm we are shifting out of puts the focus outside of yourself for healing and guidance. This also includes blaming something or someone, rather than taking responsibility for your situation.
The new paradigm is looking within for healing, inner strength and guidance as well as taking responsibility for your life. The focus is on integrating with your spirit and creating a desired life!
These are tools that I found helpful in changing my life from chaos and disharmony to a life that I love.
Sit down and take a moment to consider your life. Ask yourself what is working and what is not. I like to use the wheel of life exercise. Draw a circle with lines going across so that it looks like a pie with 8 slices. Label each slice to represent an area of your life: health, friends, family, career, finances, home, fun and spirituality.
Put a dot in each pie to indicate how satisfied you are with that area of your life. The center is unhappy and the perimeter is fully satisfied. Connect the dots of see how balanced your circle is. This exercise is a quick overview of what areas need the most attention.
Evaluate your surroundings. How cluttered is your home? Survey each room from corner to corner noticing how it feels. Make any changes necessary so that each room feels good. Go through your closets and drawers. Letting go of the old makes room for the new.
Consider your relationships. Which ones give you energy and which ones drain you? Focus on the relationships that nurture you. Let go of the relationships that do not or work on making them healthier.
Esther and Jerry Hicks, the authors of the Law of Attraction books, talk about using your emotions as your guide. When your emotions are strong they are guiding you to stop and look at what is happening.
Stop and ask yourself; what is bothering me and why? Be open and honest and let the answer come to you. The answer will show you where you are out of alignment with your desired life.
No matter what is happening in your life, there is always at least one thing to be grateful for. Align yourself with gratitude and you align yourself with positive thinking. Count your blessings; you might be surprised how wonderful your life already is!
Are the choices you are making in your life in alignment with your desired life? Sometimes we are stuck in routines that do not serve us. Make time each day to do something that nourishes your spirit.
When your spirit is happy, your energy flows. You can even apply this to money. John DeMartini wrote a great book. “How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still Get to Heaven.”
Letting go of unconscious tension raises your vibration so that you are an energy match for your desires. Robert St. John, the founder of Metamorphosis, created a gentle touch therapy to let go of the unconscious tensions that imprint your cells at conception. Your unconscious tension is operating behind the scenes, keeping you from fully creating your desired life.
Unconscious tension can show up as negative personality traits, addictions, physical pain, illness, anxiety as well as mental tension such as analyzing and over thinking. It also produces chaos and drama in your life and relationships.
When your unconscious tensions ease, creating your life takes less and less effort!
Focus on what you love and what you are grateful for.
Find a way to let go of the past and patterns of unconscious tension.
Allow things to change by taking a rest from ‘doing’ and ‘thinking’ so much.
Live life simply and you will experience greater joy!
Cindy Silverlock has been teaching Metamorphosis to holistic practitioners for 20 years. She studied with the founder and is the author of “Metamorphosis, Creating Consciousness Through Touch," Living Now Book Awards Bronze Medal Winner.
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