To be successful in Internet marketing, what you need is to build a targeted email list. You have to narrow your focus if you want to target prospects who are most likely to use your product or service. If you have not defined your target market for your list, then this is the time to do it. Don’t waste your time and money on a random list of prospects who will just probably delete your emails or tag you as Spam.
Narrow Your Focus
As a business owner, what you need to prioritize is finding your niche market for your email list, a niche market enables you to target your sales messages. When you have defined you market, you can have a targeted business email list that has contacts who would welcome any offers or valuable information that you would send them. Here’s a tip: the narrower your niche market, the easier it is for you to cater to the specific interests of your prospects. Note that people don’t usually respond to cold, general, impersonal emails. They respond only when you are relevant to them and when you offer a solution that answers their needs.
So before you do any email blast marketing, make sure that you have a highly defined, small niche market. If you’re a small business owner, for example, defining your niche market will give you the competitive edge over other larger businesses because they tend to market to a much broader range of people. For these larger businesses, the smaller markets are not really worth spending their marketing dollars on, so this now becomes an opportunity for you — to capture that small, yet highly defined niche market which they do not consider for their own b2b email lists.
In building email lists, the task then becomes determining exactly who your best prospects are, and targeting the business’ marketing efforts and dollars toward them. Understand that competition is stiff in today’s global market so target prospects whom you can get the most positive and favorable responses.
Send Targeted Messages
One great thing about having a niche market is that it allows you to develop sharply-focused sales messages, with a niche market and a relevant message, you can easily get more targeted email leads. In your messages, highlight the specific benefits that you offer. Identify your potential customer’s problem and list down all the benefits provided by your product or service. It would also be helpful if you can get referrals from those who have already benefited from you product or service. Make sure your message is clear and concise – simple and straight to the point is always best.
Since you will be sending them regular updates, offers and other valuable information, it would also help to get creative to keep them interested. Include some graphics and links, but most importantly, make sure your content is truly relevant and error-free. When you send high quality, targeted messages to your emailing list, you’ll definitely see an increase in your sales and profits.
John Osgood writes about and teaches small business owners how to market their companies and products online for a zero to small cost. John maintains a strict policy of building a relationship and not "HAMMERING" his subscribers with constant email offers!
His 5-day e-course for Small Business owners who want to build a huge email list can be downloaded here: Head over to to get your FREE copy now!
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