Homeopathy is an ancient method of treating ailments. In this method of treatment the body is encouraged to cure on its own accord gradually. This is the principle practiced in homeopathic medicine.

In this manner of medication and treatment, the body mobilizes its instinct to defend on its own accord to fight ailments.

Homeopathy And Western Medicine

There is difference between homeopathy and western medicine in the treatment system. In the western medical system, that is, allopathic system, the ailment is suppressed whereas in homeopathy the treatment is to cure the ailment.

So, in a way, one form of treatment masks the problem, or ‘sweeps it under the carpet’ while the other actually gets to the root of the problem and deals with it, which is the more ideal way.

Physical And Psychological Importance

In treating the disease, the homeopath practitioners generally take into consideration the patient's physical and psychological condition as well. Homeopathic treatment and remedies, generally speaking, is considered to be very safe.

Since it’s natural, there are no side effects and even in the event that there are any, they generally tend to be minimal.

The Principle Of Similia Similibus Curentur

In homeopathic treatment methods, the homeopath studies both the patient and the disease. He or she takes a total view of both conditions. Thus, the homeopath is able to diagnose both the individual patient and the disease and also the disharmony within the patient that causes the ailment.

By this way he will conclude that it is the individual patient who needs the treatment and not the disease. In selecting the medication, in the homeopath's mind, the picture of the patient and the picture of the medicine should match similarly. This "Maxim" is called, “Let likes be cured by likes".( Similia Similibus Curentur ).

Homeopathy: The Therapeutic & Healing Process

Homeopathy is also a therapeutic treatment. This system helps to match a patient's illness or disease symptoms and the causes. In homeopathic medication, the treatment is individualized.

In this system, medication is not prescribed as a one single medicine for diseases. Thus, one should understand that homeopathy treatment is meant to help and assist the body and its inner vital forces and energy to act in synchronicity, so that it can act to neutralize the action of the medicine and also push and eliminate whatsoever symptoms of the illness that are similar to it.

Author's Bio: 

Giri Anantha has experience in panic attacks and agoraphobia. He recommends the use of homeopathy for these and other ailments. For more, please visit his website at panic-and-agoraphobia.com/homeopathics-for-panic-attack.html