There is nothing more annoying than being told to relax when we are involved in an important project, trying to meet a deadline, or juggling multiple responsibilities. It feels like one more demand.

“How CAN I relax” you want to say, “when I’ve got all this stuff to deal with?”

Yet we know ...There is nothing more annoying than being told to relax when we are involved in an important project, trying to meet a deadline, or juggling multiple responsibilities. It feels like one more demand.

“How CAN I relax” you want to say, “when I’ve got all this stuff to deal with?”

Yet we know that stress can be a killer.

How can we transform the stresses of our lives into tools for emotional and spiritual growth?

The key is not to fight the tension, sleeplessness or anxiety that is causing the stress, but to first accept it. Every symptom, habit, and idiosyncrasy has a cause, a reason for being in our life. If we try to change it without first accepting it, it becomes part of the dance of polarities. In The Fourth Eye: A Spiritual Primer I remind us that “responsible action in the name of a cause can create the very conditions it seeks to eradicate. We intend to diet, and wind up heavier. We intend to change our partners or children, and the very behavior we judged undesirable increases. We legislate against intolerance, and hate groups proliferate. We fight for freedom, and repression increases.”

After we accept that we have good reason to feel stressed, and the wish or desire to be relaxed no longer feels like a demand, we can consider what actions are within the range of possibilities to ease the stress. It can be a simple as “in five minutes, I will take three deep breaths” or as complex as “within the next year I will find a less stressful job”. The time-line is important. One effective, immediate option is to take a few moments to vividly remember and visualize a moment when we felt totally relaxed.

”The Secret” the book and film about the law of attraction demonstrates how we can manifest whatever we want when we come from a place of acceptance, love and release of the expectation of specific outcome. But don’t let manifesting what you become another demand!

Transformational healing consultations can facilitate the total release of current stresses in the mind/body/spirit system at source. Through creative facilitation, the condition that wants attention opens to reveal the incident last week, decades ago, or in other lifetimes that first brought the symptom or syndrome into being. It is then re-programmed, and the memory transformed at a cellular level.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Raphael, spiritual elder, transformational holistic healer, author and classical pianist closed a 30 year psychotherapy practice to walk her talk and talk her walk in service of Spirit. For more information visit Contact Lisa by email or by phone, 808.346.5293