Life today can be quite stressful at times and with depression rates rising rapidly, it is even more important to consider ways that we can avoid unnecessary worry and start concentrating on being happier instead!

Studies have shown that happier people do in fact live longer that those who are depressed and despite being richer as a nation than we ever have been, having more money was not necessarily linked to our happiness!

So with happiness being so important for longevity and quality of life, here are some tips to help put those worries aside and start enjoying your life more...

- Spend time with people you love - whether close family or special friends, having close relationships with people is an important element for increasing our happiness. Even when life is hectic, it is important to make some social time that you enjoy.

- Take some time to think about your goals - goal setting plays a big part in our sense of wellbeing and helps us feel like we have a plan  to achieve the things that we want in life. These don't have to be big goals - setting goals that are small and achievable has just as big an impact.

- Keep a gratitude journal - focusing on the things we are grateful for keeps us focussed on the positive things in life. Buy yourself a small note book and write 5-10 things each day that you are grateful to have in your life.

- Treat yourself regularly - make yourself a priority and stop being last on your list. Whether it's putting your feet up with a great magazine, a long hot bath or a more extravagant treat, your wellbeing deserves your attention as a priority.

- Sort out your finances - we don't necessarily need a lot of money to be happy but we do need to avoid worrying about when we have. If you have lots of debt, credit cards or are always overdrawn, this can be a constant drain. Put a plan in place to get yourself back on track to benefit both your happiness and health.

- Stay in the present - in my blog, I wrote about Destination Addiction - a big drain on your happiness levels because you are always waiting for a point in the future when you can be happy! Start living in the present and enjoying the moment because tomorrow never comes!

- Stay healthy - eating well and exercising regularly will do wonders for lifting your mood and keeping the blues at bay.

- Don't be afraid to get help - if you are feeling down, it will help so much to share this with someone who is supportive.

Author's Bio: 

Joanne Mayhead is an experienced coach and creator and editor of Total Wellbeing Resources, wellbeing for body and mind - visit