(http://www.boundlessliving.com/power1.html), we discussed how essential it is that we as individuals live our Purpose if we are going to be as fulfilled and professionally effective as possible. But if we aren't clear on what our purpose is - what we're really about - how can we discover that?
There are a few simple exercises one can do to begin to get an understanding of what they are "supposed" to be doing. The first place to look is at those things in your life which you enjoy doing the most. Look at your hobbies and pasttimes. So often, we categorize those things we truly love doing the most as "hobbies", and struggle to find a few hours a week to explore those activities. But perhaps the fact that we enjoy those things the most, is a clear signal from the Universe that we are supposed to be doing those things with MOST of our time. Our passions are our GIFTS. It is through our passions that we will most effectively be able to contribute to the world at large because we will pour our heart and soul into every undertaking related to those things we truly love doing. We will feel energized and enthusiastic about our work, and that positive energy will attract customers, clients, or others who will help make our dreams a lucrative reality.
It's a simple fact that for the most part, human beings are drawn towards people who are fully expressed...people who are living who they truly are! This is because people want this for themselves. Think about this in your own life. Who are the people that you most want to be with? The people who are your personal heroes...who you most want to be like? More than likely, these are people who have found some outlet in their lives for expressing themselves fully in at least one area.
The key is not to judge your passion or hobby as being a "money-maker". YOU may have a preconceived notion about what your abilities are worth, but your opinion may not have any basis in "commercial reality". That is to say, your skills are probably worth a lot more than you think. It's simply a matter of expressing yourself openly enough that you get the proper attention from the right people.
Once you identify your passions...those things that you would absolutely LOVE to spend your day doing, it's time to start visualizing what your life would be like if you WERE, in fact, only doing those things you loved doing. Have fun creating a "movie" of this new life you're envisioning. Write down what your day would look and feel like from the time you woke up in the morning until you went to bed if you were truly doing what you LOVED to do. Again, don't think about the "money" aspect of it if that limits your thinking in any way.
This is an exercise that you will need to do on an ongoing basis because this "vision" will evolve. You should take the time to "put" yourself into this vision. Whether that is through simple quiet time with your eyes closed, running this movie of your new life in your mind, or through daily writing. You need to spend quality time each day experiencing this new future on as many sensory levels as possible. You should work to see, hear, feel, and even smell and taste what your life will be once you are living your passion!
After you do this for a while, your mind will begin to work in new creative ways! You will begin to see new possibilities as to how this vision might actually come about. You will become alert to new opportunities that will lead you down the path to your dreams. But you must SEE it in your mind first! You have to know where you're going so that you can begin to forge a logical path that will bring you there.
Dare to dream big, and follow your Passions. They know the way!
Bob Doyle is a motivational speaker, Life Coach, and personal
trainer in Duluth. He is available to speak to groups of any size across the country, or on a one-on-one basis as a coach. Complete details about his various programs and services can be found at the Boundless Living web site: http://www.boundlessliving.com.
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