1. You’re stuck in your career.

It isn’t pleasing you any more, you aren’t getting the promotions, it’s a drag to get up every morning, you’re missing deadlines, failing to produce at your best level, or being less effective. Or you’ve been “written up.”

2. You want to increase your “people” skills or “soft” skills.

Soft skills bring hard results! You will never accomplish something alone. A coach can show you the skills to have more effective relationships at home and at work. You can learn more about team work or leadership, relationship skills, conflict-resolution, parenting, management, and negotiation skills.

3. Your life is going well, yet you have a vague sense of dissatisfaction you need to clarify, so you can take action.

4. You have a particular goal you want to meet, or a skill you want to develop and need a plan and/or accountability.

Higher sales, more money, more clients, better problem-solving skills, how to write an eBook, how to promote on the Internet, how to network, how to change your attitude.

5. You’re facing a transition – chosen or not.

Retirement, divorce, new baby, marriage, promotion, downsizing, a move, breast cancer, or new members to the workforce or your family.

6. You maintain a healthy lifestyle, yet you don’t feel good. You don’t want to consider medication, or you have, and it hasn’t made a difference.

Or, as in the case with ADD and depression, you’ve been told coaching would help!

7. You lack direction.

A coach can help you define your values, priorities and preferences and create a personal mission statement so you can live a life on purpose, with purpose.

8. You realize you have devoted a lot of time to your formal education, training, and development of skills, but you have neglected to work on your Emotional Intelligence.

9. You’d like to continue your lifetime commitment to your own personal and professional development.

· Developing your Emotional Intelligence
· Increasing your multicultural awareness
· Building resilience (the stress-buster for the 00s)
· Telling your story by writing an eBook
· Becoming a coach
. Planning the most important part of retirement, which isn't financial
. Learning how to entertain, cook, write, do public speaking, network, get chosen to speak on a cruise, or create a selling elevator speech

10. Now it’s “your time”.

Author's Bio: 

©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach, http://www.susandunn.cc . Coaching, distance learning, and ebooks around emotional intelligence for your continued personal and professional development. I train and certify EQ coaches. Get in this field, dubbed “white hot” by the press, now, before it’s crowded, and offer your clients something of exceptional value. Start tomorrow, no residence requirement. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for free ezine.