I have been trying to find ways to make money online and have tried several ways to figure this out. I have been doing this for about two years and have lost and spent probably a thousand dollars or so trying to get rich online. So far only one thing has been a success. I will explain in detail exactly how I lost $150 on something that turned out to be eight pages of garbage.
Eauction, Tradeworks.com, pacificwebworks.com - WARNING! What ever you do, DO NOT deal with with any of these companies. I was promised secrets to making money online from eauction but what I got was eight pages telling me to sell stuff on ebay in a nice looking folder. I thought, oh well, whatever, I only paid $7.99 for shipping so it was no big loss. When a charge for about $50 from eauction showed up on my credit card I called the bank to have it removed. The bank immediately had it removed credited my account and checked for fraud. Then I noticed the exact same charge from tradeworks.com the next month. I called the bank again they credited my account and checked for fraud again. The next month I got a letter from the bank saying that the charges were legit and they were taking the hundred dollars from my account. Also, eauction charged me another fifty dollars. I went back to their website, did some research, read all of the small print legal jargon in detail. I had accidentally agreed to a subscription to their visual web tools when I paid $7.99 for them to ship me a few pages of bull. WARNING! DO NOT deal with any of these companies! It only cost me $150 for a few pieces of useless paper, but it might cost you more. COMPLETE SCAM!
To sum it up. This is just a warning to all of you online entrepreneurs that you should be able to read the small print and never deal with these companies. If you want to try it, go ahead and lose your cash, It does not bother me at all. I have found out what works, but I am still sympathetic to those who are struggling through all of the same crap that I went through.
There are many more ways to lose your money online but there are just a few of the hundreds that I have discovered and been ripped off by. So if you want to find out for yourself, go right ahead, but if you want to know more then check out http://www.sample13.com, where I explain exactly what does not work. I can also tell you about the best programs too.

Author's Bio: 

Justin G. Has been an unsuccessful online marketer for the past two years. Only within the past month has he found out what works and is willing to share the secret that he paid $77 for, for free at www.sample13.com.