Electro-dermal testing is a brillant holistic health method of accessing the strength and weakness of all the organs and glands in the body. Each organ and organ system has an associated energy channel called a meridian connected to it. When the organ is functioning well there will be a good electrical reading. When the organ is stressed there will be a high reading, and when the organ is weak there will be a low reading. There are twenty major organ and organ systems that can be tested with this method. The advantage to this system is the ability to detect organ stress early and therefore correct the dysfuction before it becomes serious illness. Most people do not realize how out of balance an organ has to be before standard medical diagnostic tests will show abnormalities. This is because the body has such an ability to compensate and when the body can no longer do this the lab test will finally show abnormal. Do you want to wait this long??!!
Others names for this testing are meridian stress assessment, bio-electrical impedance measurement, and electro-acupuncture according to Voll (EAV). This type of testing will uncover the reason for a health problem well before standard medical tests will show imbalances. It will also show which systems in the body are most out of balance needing immediate treatment. For example, the patient may have allergies which are being treated symptomatically with steroids and anti- histamines but this testing will show lymphatic congestion, weak digestion, and adrenal fatigue as the cause of the allergies. The treatment is then specific and done naturally without side effects. All health problems can be unraveled with this method and healed when the appropriate health measures are taken. This test can also test for sensitivities to food, environment, and others factors that cause the body to constantly react. Many chronic disorders have allergies at the root. Also, this testing can be used to find out if the supplements you are taking are actually working for you or are a waste of money. Our clinic finds many people are guessing at what supplements to take, and are not benefitting from them. This testing will tell the patient specifically which supplements they need.
With biomeridian electro-dermal testing we can now find which system is most out of balance, which supplements, herbs, homeopathics to correct the problem, and if there are allergy factors contributing to the disorder. Most people don't know this, and therefore continue to suffer. Take advantage of this state of the art health system and get well.
Electro-dermal testing has helped: chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, ADHD, autism, hyperactivity, depression, immune system weakness,children's health problems, allergies, mood swings, emotional problems, headaches, pain, chronic sickness, digestive problems, skin disorders, sleep disturbances, hormonal imbalances, women's health concerns, infertility, menapause symptoms, PMS, aging, weight gain, weight loss, osteoporosis, hair loss, heart problems, asthma, chronic bronchitis, liver weakness, toxic conditions, and many more undiagnosed problems. When medicine fails electro-dermal testing has an answer.
Dr. Eyrich practices holistic medicine in Indianapolis, Indiana. He has a unique clinic with the intergration of over twenty holistic procedures to help even the toughest health problems.
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