Since we last met I’ve been to Battle – no, not a state of warfare (though I am capable of that!) but the site of the Battle of Hastings in 1066. It is just a field, though a very historic one, but well worth a visit if you are in the neighbourhood, along with Battle Abbey.

Standing on the site of the battle, I was aware that nine hours of fighting had shaped the whole of English history and that nearly a thousand years later we still shape and date our laws from 1066.

Most decisions that we make on a daily basis are not that long term, but as it’s almost spring we can emerge from the cocoon of a winter indoors and survey the year ahead. Though not yet ready to don swimsuits and splash around pools and beaches we may well want to some time this summer. And that means making changes in our behaviour now if we want to look good later.

Sadly, though, what we do now, today, will not make a great deal of difference to how we look this week or next week. Yes, I know, that’s the opposite of what all the weight loss ads tell you. You know their blurb – “lose 10 pounds in ten days”, “get a bikini figure in three weeks” and so on. You don’t really believe them but it’s so tempting just to take a look.

Then in the small print you realise that their product works “only as part of a calorie controlled diet”, or they want you to drink a disgusting product that will seriously put you off your food, or put other people off you.

Weight loss and healthy eating is a longer term process and what you do now will make a difference but at first you have to take it on trust. Just have faith that what you do is making that little difference and all the little differences stack up – to a dress size or several pounds on the scales, or simply the good feeling of health and vitality.

So how to get from the “now” of making the changes and the future of a slimmer healthier you? Here are three steps that you can do daily to get you to your future...

1. Picture yourself as you would like to be in June, July or August. Have particular clothes in mind, see what you are doing and make this image as vivid as possible. Add sounds, textures, whatever else you can to make the picture vivid.

2. Now step out of that future picture and ask yourself, “What change can I make today to make this possible?”
3. Then do it! No excuses! Having planned your action you then action your plan.

And a fourth step if you want to be top of the class...

4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 the next day.

Nine hours was a long time for a battle in 1066 (most battles in those days lasted about an hour) but although it lasted a while the consequences were long term too. Your goal of getting slim/healthy/fit can be achieved without the bloodshed that took place at Hastings – it will be achieved by daily and long term changes in behaviour and it is worth doing it for the long term gains. Just think of this summer and change what you do now so you can have a better future.

(c) 2009 Liz Copeland

Author's Bio: 

As a Nutrition Coach Liz Copeland shows people who find healthy eating difficult how to change their beliefs and behaviours around food so they can eat well, look good and feel great. Receive her 5-lesson mini ecourse "Conquer Emotional Eating Forever" and a complimentary subscription to her newsletter No More Rabbit Food - weight loss tips for people who love food at