With National Stress Awareness day approaching in the UK (November 5th) and with a lot of doom & gloom about recession and financial market disruption in the media, as a specialist in stress management, I wanted to help you tap into a resource which will help you maintain a calm approach to whatever this means to you.

So, I've recorded a 10-minute 'Quick Fix Relaxation' breathing & relaxation session which you can download and use on your PC or on your iPod or MP3 player.

Studies have shown that short breaks taken regularly during the day improve our efficiency and accuracy, so you can relax and improve your performance - how good is that?!

To get your free 'Quick Fix Relaxation download, e-mail me on anie@breathingspacetherapies.com and I'll send you your file back within 48 hours, totally free of charge.

Do take advantage of this powerful technique.

I also have other recordings available which help with insomnia, stress, pregnancy, high blood pressure, pain, self-confidence, anxiety fear & phobias, exam nerves and so on on my shop at www.breathingspacetherapies.com and click on 'Go shopping'.

Take care of yourselves and keep smiling.

With love


Breathing Space Therapies
0772 581 8884

Author's Bio: 

Annie is a specialist in stress management. Having spent over 20 years in high-powered advertising jobs and having experienced burn out & personal challenges herself, Annie retrained in stress management, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, Reiki, EFT & NLP and is now a sought-after therapist, trainer, speaker and writer.

Her stress-relieving relaxation and tutorial recordings on CD and download are available on her website, via Amazon, via distributors New World Music, at the Beth Israel Cancer Center in New York and many other sources.

Annie works with individuals to help them lead a balanced, happy & fulfilling life and with organisations to ensure they fulfil their legal roles in employee wellbeing and motivation.