As a medium I deal primarily with spirits and Spiritual life form's. There are many diferent spirits in the physical plane. Just like people, they come from different energies and have different purposes. Some good, some not so good. There are many out there that say spirits do not exist, but we know that life exists, and energy never really die's but is redirected into a different catalyst once the host is no longer available. Take for instance "Poltergeists", this is actually living energy. A true poltergeist has nothing to do with disceased entity. They typically manefest themselves around households with children. Why? Because, children cannot always express themselves in the way adults do, there is alot of built up energy that has nowhere to go, so it becomes an entity of itself. Poltergeists are known for their abillity to wreak havoc on unsespected family members and to physically have the abillity to destroy property and cause things to fly through the air. Sounds like a temper tantrum doesn't it? Well in all reality, it is, the child is restricted from doing this, the energy is built up waiting and when the child does not conform the energy takes on a life of itself and fulfills its purpose.
As we speak of ghosts though we really have to speak of hauntings, because there are different types of ghosts. Many people subscribe to the theory "Places aren't haunted, people are.". To a degree the theory is correct. What we see as ghosts, do not typically haunt locations but actually, seek out individuals who are sensative to them. Sometimes because they have a message to get across to this world, but in most cases because they simply do not understand, their dead, and for whatever reason did not go into the light. So this leaves us wondering about alleged "haunted locations" well these are usually a diferent type of haunting. In these instances usually a traumatic incedent has accured resulting in death. Remember we spoke before on how energy doesn't die it just finds another catalyst in which to express itself. Well in this situation typically what happens is there is so much energy going on during the time of the accurance that it literally imprints itself on the location, and starts doing a looping effect like a playback button on a video. Where the accurance plays itself out every night/week/month/year whatever the playback is set to.
So do actual "haunted locations" exist? Yes, but are rare, there are two types of ghosts that actually haunt locations. The first is very protective and very gentle. These are not spirits you generally must concerne yourself with. They have typically lived in that location and did not wish to leave, or cross over. The other type is not so positive, again generally they are people who are attached to that location for whatever reason, but are malevelant spirits. They choose to try to keep that location for themselves. These are not spirits in which you wish to play with. If you suspect one of these to be in your home you should contact a medium or parapsychologist immediately these spirits must be sent into the light. They can at times influence the thinking and even the health, of persons within the home, they can also bring chaos and misfortune to those in the home as well. Remember, negativity breeds negativity, and these spirits produce a negative charge to the environment around them.
When we speak of controlling one's thoughts or body we think of possesion, and generally when we think of possesion we think of Demons. Do demons exist? Yes. Are all demons bad? No. O.k., you probably think I just lost my mind, but the truth is just like any other Spiritual Being demons are not necessarily evil. For this we have to look at "What is a demon?". The bible states they are the fallen angels cast out of Heaven, that serve Lucifer. We know Lucifer is the first angel, and also the Arch Angel of Beauty & Light. We are also taught that Lucifer tries to tempt man, by tempting his faith and his virtue. Though Lucifer's tactics may be dark, is his motives? If we have never seen evil, how can we know goodness? If we've never expearianced the dark how can we appreaciate the light? If we subscribe to the theory that God is all knowing and all powerful, then we have to see that in his creation of Lucifer there had to be a master plan. For God would not purposely put his followers in danger. Life itself is about balance. Earth Air Fire Water and Spirit to the Witches make up this balance and create a harmony for every masculine there is a feminine to every positive a negative. So if we have great good, we must also have great evil.
Why are demons here? Well we have to look at the demon, each demon serves their own purpose. Many times, throughout history it is found demons usually come once they are summoned, or awakened. It is my belief that the entities that protected King Tut's Tomb were more then likely of what we would consider a demonic nature. King Tut was a young boy, and a wise Pharoh, who was loved by his people, prooving that whatever was watching over him, was not of an evil nature, but unfortunately it did release a curse that plagued many of the people who opened his final resting place. This is not to say that evil demons do not exist for they do, but before we judge them we need to look at who called them and why. Many teenager's go through stages where they get mixed up in magick and Quigi boards, but do not know how to properly controll them. This can actually result in calling on a demon accidentally. Once the entity is summoned and there is no purpose for it to be here it will start looking to fulfill its own desires, whatever they may be.
Angels on the other hand many believe to be all goodness and light. That is myth. Angels are servents of God, they like demons are called to fulfill a purpose. Generally though when we call on angels it's to help us through a tough time or to guide us and show us where in our lives we need to be. Thus, giving them a more noble and rightious purpose. But Angels as well can be vindictive and spiteful if called for the wrong reason. Valentines Day is usually celebrated with pictures of cupid, a cherub, also the son on Aphrodieti, the goddess of love. But, cherubs are generally known for their mean spirited pranks they like to play. Aphrodeiti herself out of a jealous rage after, turned Madussa into a Gorgon, after she was found to be more beautiful then Aphrodeiti.
So where do Gaurdian Angels and Spirit Guides fit in? Well they are a different group all togeather and again what I have to say may suprise you. It is very rare as a medium to see a gaurdian angel, at least what we would are taught to believe to be gaurdian angels, I'm not sure if it's because they have a power to cloak themselves or if that the few we do see are here because the person they are watching over has a much higher purpose. Even at that though the few I have encountered in my career are generally though very beautiful, very solemn, unless they need to get a message across. Spirit Guides though are generally more open and willing to communicate, they are usually family members, ancestors, or friends of the client, and they decided as their "job" they wanted to stick around and watch over the person they are with. Rarely, I have found some spirit guides that just choose the person they watch over for no other reason then there was something about them, that they liked.
I do have to say though many people get a "haunting" confused with their Spirit Guide trying to give them a message. Many spirit guides have the same personality they had while they were alive, so if you look for signs it will tell you who your spirit guide is, so just try and relax and let their messages come to you. I know Lilacs, for instance, was my mothers favorite flower, so if in middle of winter and all of a sudden I get a whiff of Lilac I know she is around. You also don't have to be looking for too big of a message either, sometimes really all they want you to know is their with you and they love you. Many clients think their spirits have some big earth shaterring thing to tell them and many times they don't. All the small trivial stuff we focus on so highly in this world, is not as important to them in theirs. You see we focus on a small scene in a movie where they've already seen the ending.
Psychic Medium Chaz Hall
My name is Chaz, and I am one of Chicago's most well known psychic-mediums. I have worked with legendary Chicago psychics Marlena Brendt and Irene Hughes. From the time I was 6 years old I could see and speak with spirits. A gift handed down throughout my family. The earliest memory of this was when a little girl, who had happened to be my sisters bestfriend, came to me in a dream to tell me goodbye. I started screaming telling my family she was dead and my mother told me not to worry it was just a dream, the next morning we had found out the girl had been hit by a car and killed. I have been able to accurately pinpoint events for my clients professionally, for over fifteen years, including births and genders of children. I use a mixture of tarot and natural psychic abillity with a touch of mediumship added in, in order to provide my clients with the best possible readings they can get. My talents have been displayed on both television and radio. I have been tested by several reputable parapsychologists and been found to have a 98 % accuracey rate. Now I'm offering my gifts here on the net for you. Come to me let me help guide you through lifes doorways and show you what it has in store for you. So if you want a clear concise no nonsence reading please feel free to hire me, I pull no punches and I dont sugar coat. I also do not write long flowery e-mails full of psychic mumbo jumbo, I like to get streight to the point. You are here for answeres after all.
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