Oh, how I hate wire hangers! No, I am not related to Joan Crawford, but at times I’d like to utter those famous words of hers. I think someone is playing a cruel joke on us all and wire hangers are actually meant to tangle together in an unruly mess when more than a few empties find themselves next to each other. Flimsy plastic hangers that come with a new clothing purchase aren’t much better!

But, hangers are one of the last great American freebies. You get them for nothing, from the drycleaners and the big box stores and that’s probably what they are worth.
I can usually bet my day’s paycheck, when I open a client’s closet, that I will find a tangled nest of wire and plastic doing a poor job of holding clothing. I want their closet to look its best at the end of the day and with these hangers that’s not going to happen.

To talk my clients into making a change, I usually suggest that now is the time to pamper themselves and splurge on something just for them – Hangers, an affordable treat! I always speak about the difference it will make in how organized their closet will be and how wonderful it will look. After they have spent the time and money working with an organizer, go all the way and make your closet the best it can be. Be proud of your efforts and make it fun to get dressed in the morning!

Author's Bio: 

Basic Organization provides professional organizing services to busy families, business owners, down sizing seniors and the chronically disorganized. I help people gain the skills to get organized and live a more simplified life.

As a professional organizer, I can provide you with ideas, information, structure and solutions to help you regain control of your space.

I am a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and hold several certificates of study with the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization. I am also an Affiliate member of the Interior Design Society.

Call me and let’s get started on a simpler life.