What is distracting you from your Dream? Will you regret later on in life not going for it?

Return, Revisit to your Dreams, the hopes you once took the time to write down, praying that one day you would gather the strength, courage and persistence to make this life worthwhile. Keep them out this time, someplace, a location you will be aware of them often. For me, it was on one of the heaters of the stove (heat off).

Commit your life to them now. If you make this commitment to yourself, it will help you to honor and increase the strength of all relationships. After all, your material wealth is nothing compared to the quality of relationship among friends, family, loved ones, business partners and acquaintances.

You don't need to tell me that making it in your own business is tough. I know from 10 years of "keeping my own written Dreams." I've personally experienced and tried to help others "make it through" Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Depression, Suicide, Divorce, Loss of Loved Ones, Loneliness and total Self-Absorption. I have also known Hope for the Future and the Vast rewards granted to the "Believer" ... the folks like you and I who see the way things are SUPPOSED to be (in our own mind first).

Hope is real. It exists. Make it so strong in your mind that you will do whatever ... WHATEVER!

I have coached people, usually prospects, who couldn't see it. My line was, "If you can't SEE your future, you don't HAVE a future." I think this is true, what do you think?

Your Vision is key to your Tomorrow. Helen Keller (1880-1968) was quite possibly the most remarkable person ever to grace our planet. Left deaf and blind as a result of a childhood illness at the age of 19 months, Helen Keller nevertheless became an articulate spokesperson for the dignity of all individuals. In a random quote, she stated, "The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision."

You WILL struggle, even "squirm", as you go for it. When you do, remember the little red fire engine trying to make it up the mountain (of life) ... "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." I know this works because it helped ME make it through 6 months of grueling academia at Naval Officer Candidate School.

WARNING, PLEASE DO NOT STOP trying to make it up the Hill once you begin, for what would happen to that little red fire engine, rolling back down and crashing KABOOM! Compare THAT with the Exhilaration of making it to the Top.

Author's Bio: 


Contributed by Ed Hirsch

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