Headaches. It all started with headaches. The headaches were so bad that I couldn’t even hold down a job. Then one day the chiropractor showed me a drawing of the muscles and bones of the neck. Immediately I spotted the neck spring muscles and recognized that mine were not working.

I had studied engineering as part of earning my Architectural Degree from Carnegie-Mellon University. That those certain muscles were used to make the neck spring work was very obvious. So, I went home and got those neck spring muscles to working and the headaches became about ten percent less.

My next step was to get a copy of the Doctor’s Bible, “Gray’s Anatomy”. I knew that the chiropractor was adjusting the top vertebra in my neck and that within fifteen minutes of leaving his office I could feel it going out of place again. So, I found a drawing of that bone and the muscles connected to it. There were eight short muscles between the top vertebra and the skull. I found one which could be used to pull my top vertebra back into place and tried using that muscle. Wonder of wonders, it worked! I was able to pull that top vertebra back into place - for all of two minutes and then that little muscle became exhausted.

The problem with the top vertebra is that it was scissoring the spinal cord right where it goes through the hole in the skull. Imagine this. The spinal cord, which is the big nerve from the brain down the spine, goes first of all through the hole in the bottom of the skull and then through the hole in the top vertebra. When looking through the two holes it should look like one hole. Well, when that little muscle was not working the top vertebra twisted to the side making the opening where the spinal cord goes through the two holes smaller, squeezing it like a scissor. Have you ever hit the funny bone in your elbow? It was something like that, but done on the biggest nerve in the body. Ugh, that was where the headaches were coming from.

Within several weeks I had increased its endurance to ten minutes a day. Then the area started waking up. Have you ever sat with your chin resting on your bent wrist, had the wrist go numb and then when you lift your chin and move your wrist, the wrist wakes up and hurts? Well, it was something like that. From then on I could not be sitting, standing, walking, etc. without that little muscle working. It took me about three months to get it strong enough to work ten hours a day. That handled about half the headaches.

After that I looked for other muscle problems in the neck and found fifteen muscles or groups of muscles that were working when they shouldn’t, weren’t working when they should or were paralyzed. I got them all to working and the headaches went away and never came back.

As I was getting the headaches handled I lay in bed looking at other pictures in “Gray’s Anatomy” and found that the upper back spring operates very much like the neck spring, but in reverse. Also, I found other short muscles which have the job of pulling the vertebra bones tight into joint and medium length muscles which have the job of shaping the spine. For instance, have you ever seen a television transmission tower out in the country with wires going to the ground? Those are called guy wires. If some of them would break the tower would start bending and twisting and eventually fail. There are some similar muscles which keep the spine straight when looked at from the rear, rather then bending side to side. Doctors call this scoliosis.

Then I looked for the lower back spring muscle. Oh my gosh, it isn’t there. I looked and looked and couldn’t find it. Something was terribly wrong. Did “Gray’s Anatomy” not include something this important in its drawings? It took me three months of looking and looking and looking at the pictures of the muscles and bones of the spine to discover that the lower back spring muscle works like a suspension bridge, like the Golden Gate Bridge, but turned on end.

Then I wrote a book describing and telling how to use those muscles plus other discoveries I made about the shoulder spring muscles, the foot spring muscles which control flat feet preventing terrible foot pain called plantar fasciitis and other muscles as well. You can get a copy of that book by going to my web site at: http://www.NeckBackFootPain.com .

Author's Bio: 

Dennis Denlinger graduated from Carnegie-Mellon University with a Bachelor of Architecture in 1968. One of the subjects he studied was structural engineering which turned out to be vital for his research on the human body.

Upon graduation he traveled to Europe where he expanded his study of the German language at the Goethe Institute in Schwabish-Hall, Germany. Once his ability with the language was sufficiently developed he found work in an architect's office in Stuttgart.

Over the years he worked for architects' offices in New York, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Los Angeles. He then switched over to industrial work doing design, documentation and construction supervision of major construction projects for such companies as General Motors and Weslock Division of TRE Corp.

More recently he turned his hand to various business ventures, including marketing, nutrition studies, writing and publishing.

Through much of this life Mr. Denlinger suffered major physical problems ranging from flat feet to back problems to extreme headaches. When medical and chiropractic doctors had been unable to successfully treat his problems he turned to his own resources.

Denlinger successfully applied his original research ability and knowledge of structural engineering to his physical problems. He recognized that others could benefit from this formerly secret knowledge as well. So, he wrote a book.

Learn how you can use the secret of the back spring muscles, the neck spring muscle and the foot arch (foot spring) muscle to improve your own body by Ordering and Reading "Muscle N' Bone" Now.