One of the most lucrative and simplest ways to make money on the internet is to sell e-books. But do you know how to create an e-book that sells while making the most out of your time?
If you love to write and are willing to wait for weeks (sometimes even months) before earning from your product, then go for it.
However, if you hate writing and you want to save a lot of time and effort, then this article will reveal some amazing ways on how to create an e-book that sells… without the hassles of creating it yourself.
Outsource the Job to a Qualified Ghostwriter.
Pro: You save time and effort. The rights to the product are exclusively yours.
Con: You have to pay hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars to have a high quality product created.
Isn’t it great how you can pay a ghostwriter once for writing an e-book, but you get to profit from his efforts for a lifetime? That’s how powerful hiring a ghostwriter is.
Simply post a project at,, or any of the other freelance sites, and many good writers will bid for the opportunity to do your project.
There might be a risk that the writer you hire would not know how to create an e-book that sells; that’s why you should evaluate him first. Read feedbacks from past clients. Assign him to write a few related articles first to determine if he’s fit to write an entire e-book for you. (You can use the articles later to promote the e-book).
You may provide him with details of the type of information you want to be included in the e-book, or you may give him full control over the content if you’re confident in his abilities.
Ask him to submit an outline or rough draft first, before giving him the go-signal to continue in writing the rest. You might also request that he send you the first few pages (even if unedited) when they’re done, to ensure that he’s doing it exactly the way you want it.
Compile Articles, Forum Posts, Templates, Stories, Etc.
Pro: Minimal or No Cost
Con: Time spent in compiling the materials and asking for permission.
Here’s how to create an e-book very easily. You can simply go to article directories and compile the best articles on a certain topic; but make sure the articles flow smoothly and in an organized manner. Make sure you give the authors credit by including the resource box.
You may gather templates or success stories. For example, some copywriting ebooks are a compilation of high-converting headlines, subheadlines, bullet points, etc.; and they sell quite well.
Another great method is to post on forums and to ask advice about your subject topic. You can then organize and gather all the answers to create an e-book. Just make sure that you have permission from the posters to include their content. Most would agree because it can help promote their business.
Buy A Product with Resale Rights or Private Label Rights.
Pro: Cheaper than hiring ghostwriters.
Con: A number of people might be selling the same products.
Buying a product with resale rights can be very profitable. Since the resale rights of such product are also being sold to others, it is more affordable; but the downside is that you’re selling the same material that other marketers might also be promoting.
There are different types of resale rights. Master resale rights allow you to sell the product, along with its resell rights, to others. Your customers, in turn, can also do the same. So in essence, all customers will have the right to resell it.
Standard resale rights allow you to resell the product, but your customers cannot resell it.
Most resale rights products have restrictions. Examples of restrictions include:
• There’s a minimum selling price to ensure the product’s value is kept intact.
• It may not be added as part of a package.
• It may not be given away as a bonus to a paid product or for signing up to a newsletter.
Read the resale rights agreement carefully to ensure you’re not violating any restrictions.
With private label rights, you’ll be able to do almost anything. You can have your name as the author, use or alter the content any way you like, etc. Some restrictions may still apply, so make sure you read the rules.
With resale rights or PLR products, you don’t have to know how to create an e-book. Most of them even come with sales letters and graphics, so you don’t have to spend additional money. You simply upload to your website, promote, and start making sales.
Other marketers may have the same website as yours, so it’s a good idea to revise or customize the sales letter and/or graphics. If you have the budget, creating an entirely new sales letter would be an effective step to differentiate yourself from other resellers.
Interview Experts.
Pro: Minimal or No cost.
Con: Time spent preparing and doing the interview. You have to adjust to the expert’s schedule.
Here’s how to create an e-book by leveraging from the knowledge of experts. You simply ask an expert if you could interview him.
You can record the interview and make it an audio or video course. You can then hire someone to transcribe it so you can have an e-book. Now you have an e-book and audio/video package ready to make you some profits.
The expert would be delighted when you sell the package because it means more exposure for his business. Plus, you can give the resale rights of the product to the expert so he can also make some money from his efforts. It’s a win-win situation.
Ask Contributions from Different Experts.
Pro: Minimal or No Cost
Con: Time spent inviting contributors and managing the content. You have to adjust to the experts’ schedule.
You can ask many experts to fill out a questionnaire or interview them. Compile all the information into one product.
You can ask the contributors to promote the final product as an affiliate, or you can give resale rights to each of the contributors. It would mean extra exposure for you and all the contributors.
Now you know how to create an e-book without having to exert much effort. Once you have an e-book, you can hire someone to make an audio or video version and sell at a higher price (audio and video have higher perceived value). See how easy it is? All it takes is a little imagination, creativity, and action for you to succeed online.
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