Living Under Higher Laws

A wonderful phenomenon occurs as you evolve self. You begin to live under a new set of laws. This new set of laws is called the laws of the Divine, or the laws of the Higher Self. As Divine laws vibrate at a high frequency, when living under the laws of the Divine your life becomes lighter, full of freedom, love and dominion.

The average person lives under the laws of form. The laws of form are dense. It takes much energy and effort to manifest your hopes, dreams and desires when you are living under the laws of form. Due to the density of form, when you try to manifest what you desire in life, it is much like trying to swim in thick mud. It takes a lot of work to progress even a small amount. The density of the laws of form cause many people to be overwhelmed. They are left feeling as if life is consuming them.

There is much suffering when living under the laws of form. Failed relationships, difficulties with job and career, and money problems are just a few of the common side effects that many experience because they live under the laws of form.

As you grow and evolve your state of being changes. As your state of being changes, you begin to live under the laws of the Divine. Your Higher aspects of Self, in concert with your personality self, begins to co-create your life through you. Your Higher Aspects of Self contain your blueprint, your purpose or Divine Intent for coming into body in this lifetime. As you bring this Intent down through self into your life, your life begins to change dramatically. As you consciously align self to this Divine Intent, you become empowered in life. Suffering becomes a thing of the past. You still have challenges in life, however your capacity to deal with life increases and what seemed an insurmountable challenge previously now becomes a stimulating challenge you move through quickly.

So how do you move from living under the laws of form, to living under the laws of the Divine? One way is to shift your focus from monitoring form to monitoring self. Ancient Toltecs knew this and shifted their attention to the human tonal and the human nagual aspects of self instead of allowing themselves to be hooked by the outer world. Briefly, the human nagual is the unstructured, energetic side of self. The human tonal consists of the physical, emotional and mental bodies.

Humans are multidimensional beings. We consist of both unstructured, energetic aspects (nagual), and structured, personality aspects (tonal). Then there is the outer world or form. Most people are constantly monitoring outside of self. They are monitoring the people around them, their environment, what someone said, their job, the traffic and so on. While they are monitoring the outside world, they have little awareness of self.
Monitoring the tonal self means monitoring your physical bodies and actions, monitoring your feelings and emotions, and monitoring your thoughts. Self vibrates higher than your outer world. When you monitor the outside world in lieu of self, you take yourself down to the density of form and become subject to its laws. On the other hand, when you monitor self first, you begin to free yourself from the laws of form, and live under the laws of the Divine.

You of course need to be aware of the world around you, but the key is not to lose self-awareness while doing so. Awareness of self must take priority.
The average person is constantly being hooked by form. For example, if someone pushes a button in you, and it causes an emotional reaction inside of you, you have just let yourself be hooked by form. When you are hooked by form, you are subject to the laws of form.

If, for example, say you are working hard at your job and are trying to meet a deadline. You are completely absorbed in your work, and therefore are not monitoring self. You have in affect lost all self-awareness. When this happens you will be subject to the laws of form as your primary focus is something in your outer world (your job) and not self.

If you dislike a politician, for example, and find yourself getting angry when you think of them, you have just become lost in the laws of form.

A spiritual master does not get hooked by form, or what Toltecs call the dream of the planet. This does not mean they condone people who cause suffering in other people. The Dalai Lama, for example, does not condone the pain and torture of his people. However, he is not hooked by what is happening either. As he lives by higher laws, he is able to feel love and compassion for the perpetrators as well as the victims. He uses the laws of the Divine to transform humanity. He uses the power of love and compassion instead of the power of war. The power of war belongs to the laws of form.

To accelerate your spiritual path, monitor your thoughts, feelings and actions in every moment. This doesn’t mean you shut down your feelings. It means you observe them. If you feel a button being pushed by someone, take a step back and observe self. Do not focus on the person or situation pushing the button. Instead, simply observe what self does when the button is pushed. As you do this, along with your healing and growth, eventually you will no longer have buttons that can be pushed.

Living under the laws of the Divine is a state of being where you have the ultimate freedom. It is a state of connection to the bigger part of you, your Higher Self, your nagual aspects of self. As you live under the laws of the Divine you will experience your relationships, your career, where you live, and your abundance come into alignment with the unlimited nagual self. What others perceive as miracles become daily occurrences in your live.

Author's Bio: 

Kristopher Raphael

Kristopher is a Toltec Master or nagual, presently living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. When he is not practicing controlled folly in the business world, he is teaching students as a co-owner of the Toltec Mystery School, writing and exploring new worlds.