I found this information in two separate sites the day i tried it...and within 24 hours i was feeling 30-40% improved in my depression...as i kept doing the "exercise" for the next two or three days i found that i stopped a bad habit i had all my life..that i was not even concious of....i was tearing myself down constantly, emotionally, with my "automatic" thinking...exhausting my energy and strength to deal with my world...as i got better at doing this exercise my feelings grew much stronger and i had a higher sense of wellbeing as a natural result.......
and the EVEN BETTER news is that you can use this exercise in your work as well as to overcome your emotional difficulties... the same method works in either case...
do you get "twinges" of sadness?? or anxiety? or fear?? i did and accepted them without question...when i started the exercise "thought-stopping" i asked myself what were those thoughts?? money? facing some unpleasant task? what i heard said about me that angered me? my failures? a dental appointment? unresolved conflicts?? the constant reminders of my life that were less than ideal were constantly being created by my subconcious and sent to my concious mind.....
in one site it also pointed out that nurses who face long hours and thankless work can also fall into this repetitive negative thinking...what they have yet to get done and so little time remaining....or,unpleasant duties they have yet to do..or unresolved issues that they are worrying about .... which steal their energy and joy...
for work or emotional improved wellbeing the basic approach is: 1. if you feel a "twinge" of sadness or anger or fear, or a reminder of anything negative.... ask what that thought was that you just had....
2. once you know what it was...simply say...that thought is no help to me and is harmful!!! it is unwelcome!!!!as forcefully as you can...it may be weak in the beginning and that is fine...you will get real good at this with a little practice......
3. watch for the next twinge or negative thought..it could be ten seconds later or ten minutes later..and respond the same way...seeing that it is harmful to your wellbeing, you will want to resist accepting that thought!!!GET OUT OF MY MIND YOU POINTLESS AND ENERGY STEALING CRUEL AND HARSH MESSAGE!!! I WILL STOP SENDING THESE THINGS TO MYSELF!!! THEY GAIN NOTHING AND COST ME SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!
4. continue to watch for and discover what your "automatic thoughts" are..what are the basic ideas involved?? and then resist accepting them as they are destructive to you...
5. i found that i had negative thoughts going as frequently as every several seconds...and for a while it was a challenge to keep up with them individually...but i did the best i could and found that with practice i got much better at resisting these cruel and harmful ideas I WAS SENDING TO MYSELF!!!!!....so resist them as they are cruel and pointless and of no benefit to you whatsoever!!!!
6. as you improve your technique you will find that you feel stronger and get more alert to these messages coming in to your concious mind....
7. you will also find that you catch them sooner...and stop them eventually from even entering you concious mind...and since you stop them early..they are not now beating you down and you will feel your strength and energy grow....
8. eventually you will find that you will want to catch and stop these thoughts at their inception...AND YOU WILL FIND THAT YOU CAN DO THAT--AS YOUR PRACTICE IMPROVES!!!! ...and you will want to because by now you feel so good that you know it is most beneficial to halt them all.....as early as possible..
8. in a matter of a few days i was not only able to catch them coming into my concious mind...but i broke the bad habit of creating those thoughts in the first place!!!!!.. and, today, it no longer is present in my mental activities...in exchange i feel so much stronger for my efforts that "thought-stopping" is the
9.you will feel better from your effort and will want to start distracting yourself when you know one of those thoughts is beginning to occur in your concious mind...you can use a "grunt" or a "determined distraction" by clinging to a better thought.... and that negative thought does something miraculous..it melts away without any impact on you whatsoever....that's when you really know you got the hang of this "exercise"... and will feel renewed energy that you may not have felt in a long long time...
with a nurse for example..a thought might occur that she still has all that paperwork to do and not much time left..that is a cruel destructive thought!!! robbing her of her energy and motivation...so she might say...get out of my mind with this crap!!! i don't need to be reminded of what is left to do!!! i will not accept these pointless reminders of my tasks yet to do !!they only undermine what i am doing right now and rob me of my energy and lead me to feel defeated and tired!!!! with practice she will find she can stop these cruel and pointless reminders by her insistence that they stop!!!!!!!...and she will find renewed energy and strength and wellbeing from her efforts as a reward!!!!...leaving her to focus and perhaps even enjoy that activity that she is currently doing.... before too long she will find that she has broken this bad habit and will be much more enthusiastic and energetic in her work.......IT WILL WORK FOR YOU!!!!! TRY IT!!!
i am not a mother with three young children...but i can imagine that she could fall into this form of thinking as well and would benefit from the "thought-stopping" exercise...i.e..stop reminding me that i still got that to do!!! what good does it do to realize i have those chores to complete?? this is cruel and pointless and only undermines what i am doing right now!!! these thoughts gain me nothing!! and rob me of my energy and pleasure in my life.....
and it will work with the negative twinges and negative thoughts that we feed ourselves...as grounds for self pity or emotional exhaustion...what ever the reason...the price is far, far too high!!!!!in my case...contributing greatly to my "dysthemia".... chronic low grade depression...
look for thoughts you had when you have a "twinge" feeling.. fight and refuse to accept that thought!!!!... continue to look and interfere with these messages... observe that you are getting stronger and let that help you to get even better at "thought stopping"... enjoy the rest of your life with greater joy, more enthusiasm and more energy...not to mention a heightened sense of wellbeing!!!!!!!
you should feel results in even a few short hours as i did...in my case...four hours of effort resulted in my first sense of a heightened wellbeing....a new sense of strength within myself...and that encouraged me to attack my thoughts all the more determination....
eventually, you will find that those thoughts no longer come into your concious mind and you have freed yourself of an insidious and destructive behavior that you may have been doing unknowingly all your life..............
another site that offers an explanation on "thought- stopping" is www.have-a-heart.com/depression.html
i have listed my address if you wish to communicate with me about pertainant questions or your successes...you are most welcome...
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