We all know what a rollercoaster is. The one moment youare up in the air and the next moment you plunge down tothe very bottom, just to hoisted right-up again.
Now the ups can be both exhillarating and scary. It's upto you to decide what you are going to make of it. Therollercoaster will not change for you, it will keep ongoing up and down until you get off of it.
For everyone that gets on the rollercoaster, it's thesame. It will go up and down, up and down. Some willenjoy it, while others won't.
Life's also like a rollercoaster. You have highs and youhave lows. The difference between life and a rollercoasteris that the rollercoaster allows you to get off if youdon't like it. If you later change your mind you can getback on.
Unfortunately life doesn't allow you to get off, unlessof course you commit suicide, and many have chosen thatroute. The problem with this is that you can't get backon, once you realized you've made a mistake or when youfeel better.
The funny thing I discovered is this. If I make a decisionto enjoy the ride regardless of how I feel, in other words,whether I like it or not I seem to enjoy it. Time seem topass much more quickly and life doesn't seem so bad afterall.
The problem is that when I fight life, life seem to getharder. The things that I hate seem to worsen, and remainwith me and I can't seem to get the things I want.
Let me ask you this. Do you know someone who has a generallynegative attitude? Someone who complains and critisizes allthe time. Have you noticed how things just can't seem to getbetter for them? The more they complain the worse things get.
The funny thing is I discovered that there's actually ascience that explains why this is so. It is called the lawof attraction and it states that you attract more of whatyou put out, in the sense that it is either positive ornegative.
When you fight the rollercoaster of life and continuallycomplain about the things that go wrong, you are going tohave a nightmare ride, one that you won't soon wake up from.
According to the law of attraction and in actual fact, you'llfind that when you DECIDE to enjoy the ride, irrespective ofhow scary it sometimes get, or how you feel you start toattract happy circumstances that will give you even morereason to be happy.
Instead of being a never-ending nightmare your life willtransform itself for real into the life you always wanted.
It's as if the Universe knew exactly knew what you neededand gives it to you at the right time.
So, why not choose to ride the rollercoaster that is life,instead of fighting it. The rewards are plentiful.
Just try it and you'll see.
Jimmy Roos has a degree in psychology and is the authorof numerous inspirational articles. Get 2 Free Ebooks byvisiting http://jimmyroos.com - Don't forget to subscribeto his 15 Day Email Course while there. You may just findthe missing link in your life.
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