As a westerner, I grew up thinking reincarnation was a nonsensical belief that did not exist. I distinctly remember in the 70’s, my uncle’s wife at the time discussing her belief on the subject and all the other adults thought she was crazy. So, as an 8 year old, I took their stance as well. When you died, you either didn’t exist anymore or perhaps it was possible that you went to an etheric place called Heaven, but coming back was simply not an option. As time progressed and I found myself in adulthood, I began reassessing my original thought process. Perhaps the adults I grew up with and society at large had been wrong about reincarnation. From a scientific perspective, we are all energetic Beings. Energy never dissipates, it might change form, but it doesn’t cease to exist. That being the case, why wouldn’t it be possible for human beings to come back to planet Earth experiencing new lives?

As an intuitive, I began a few years ago to have past-life memories coming to me in various ways: through dreaming, meditation, hypnotherapy among others. At first they were trickling in and now it’s more like a full-fledge flood. One of my first memories of a past life came to me after my former boyfriend and I had a fight. I left the party we were at without telling him. After realizing I was gone, he showed up at my house once again convincing me to take him back. To make a long story short that was the nature of our relationship. I would get mad and break up with him and then he would convince me to take him back…every time. Granted this wasn’t healthy for either of us, but this is where we both were in our spiritual maturation.

As I fell asleep that night, I began to dream. I am a lucid dreamer and can not only shape my dreams if I wish, I can also be an observer, watching the dream as I would a movie, reminding myself to take mental notes during the dream so that I can remember the details and write them down when I wake up.

This particular dream took place some time during the Middle Ages. I was under the impression that it was set in England. It was very wet and dreary and set at night. My now former boyfriend and I were the central characters. However, we looked nothing like what we do today. Even so, I was very aware that these people were still us at the soul level.

In our previous lives, he was a pub owner who was a large man, both in height and width, with brown hair wearing a short sleeved beige-brown colored shirt, nothing like the average height, thinly framed and sober man that he was today.

That version of me had brown hair as well that was pulled back somehow aways from my face. I was wearing a long dress that looked more like rags. The hair on both of us was filthy and unkempt. Our clothes and bodies weren’t any better. However, we were not out of place as everyone else was also dirty. In the dream he was trying to convince me to come back to him and I did. I immediately woke up, looked at the current incarnation of my boyfriend and while rolling my eyes backward I said aloud, “Here we go again!”

As an intelligent woman, I have often wondered after my revelation why I stayed with him. However, I must have subconsciously known that we had been ‘here’ before and we both had to learn something to break this pattern of ours. After my final break up with him I knew that I had done just that. We had completed this unhealthy cycle and at last I was ready to move on. The attachment was gone.

While some might question if this dream was actually a past-life experience I was remembering or simply just a dream is quite irrelevant to me. While in the midst of the dream I was fully cognizant that these two people were earlier versions of myself and the person I was sleeping next to in this life time. It explained to me that we had been repeating the same mistakes for centuries and this time we needed to get it right and move on. That is what we did albeit a year and half later.

Phobias, anyone? How many of us have an unexplained phobia or two? For me, I have never been able to touch dirt. It completely freaks me out! While logically I know it is silly to be afraid of dirt, I still panic when my skin comes in contact with it. I mean really, is dirt going to attack me or jump out at me? Of course not, so what is the problem?

During a shamanic journey, I discovered that in a past life I was living in the foothills of what reminded me of the Sierras during the 19th century. It may very well of been during the Gold Rush. I was a man wearing a hat and suspenders and was in front of a wooden cabin. Some other men had taken me by force and threw me into a hole that they dug. They began shoveling dirt over me and I suffocated to death. My fear of dirt was suddenly explained to me. While, I still can’t touch dirt without cringing, I can at least pick up a hose to water the yard and touch the leaves of the plants, both of which have residual dirt on them. Progress, if only small, is still progress and my journey helped me to realize that.

I have seen a few of these lives during various hypnotherapy sessions. For one session, I had no intention to go back farther than my own lifetime, but my Higher Self had other plans. I had leaped back to Titanic. I had been having visions for the previous two weeks during meditation of the night it sank, learning a bit more about my former life each day, but this time the story was more complete.

It was a foggy night and I was up high on the ship, looking below through the thick fog at the many rescue boats floating nearby. I could barely see the small boats through the fog off in the distance, but could make out their shapes. I was a first class male passenger wearing a top hat and coat. I was angry because I had wasted money on this trip. It’s hard to imagine that my concern was for my money and not for the people including myself that were about to lose their lives, but that is what I felt at the time.

I then started to feel, I mean really feel in my present incarnation, my right arm being pulled down, forced into the propeller. I have never experienced pain like that in my life. I literally thought I might die in this lifetime and I told the therapist to pull me up. I had pain in my arm for the next three days afterwards. Where did it come from if this person didn’t really exist?

After the session, I knew it was real; not only from the throbbing I felt in my arm, but because of the fog. I of course knew of Titanic, but for the most part the information I had on it was from James Cameron’s fictitious vision on screen. The movie depicted the scene being cold, but not foggy. I had no way of knowing it was a foggy night until I verified this fact on the internet.

In addition, on the drive home, it occurred to me that Titanic hit the iceberg on April 14, 1912. I knew this because I remembered the date etched on Kate Winslet’s drawing from the same movie. The day of my session was April 14, 2008, ninety-six years to the day after the accident. Was this coincidence? Perhaps; but I think not.

I had been having trouble with money at that point and after my session I knew it was because I was so worried about my money in that lifetime. After my revelation, I attracted a client that gave me $2000 worth of business that week. Another little bit of karmic healing, I would say.

I once had a vivid dream of a woman I refer to as ‘1804 Woman’. I don’t know her name, but I certainly know her story. She had brown hair and with the Napoleanic style of her dress and hair I was very much aware that it was the year 1804.

I had been a member of the aristocracy, though my father was deceased and lost most of his money before he died. Because of this fact, I wasn’t really ‘marriage’ material. However, my fiancé and I had been best friends and loved each other since we were children. His family was enormously wealthy. His father didn’t like the idea that I wasn’t wealthy, but the wedding still would go on.

I wore white, as people gathered at my fiancé’s mansion in the country a day or two before the ceremony. Mud surrounded the cabriolet I was exiting and someone placed their cape on the ground so I would not dirty my shoes. My mother in that lifetime toasted our nuptials in the grand entry way.

Later in the story, my soon to be husband and I were in his garden. While I know garden is the correct word, park seems more appropriate. The perfectly shaped bushes served as ornaments on the ubiquitous emerald green lawn.

I was very much aware that this man had educated me every step of the way through his own schooling. I was as intelligent and well read as he was. For a woman during that time, it was truly remarkable that he respected me enough to treat me as an equal.

As I continued watching the scene, my former self was seated on a marble bench. My posture was perfect and I only wished I had the same stance in my current life.

My fiancé expressed to me that he wanted to wait to have children. He did however, want to have sexual relations with me and knew a way to prevent pregnancy. He also wanted us to sleep in the same bed every night. Sleeping in the same bed was not customary for aristocrats, but he wanted us to do so.

I told him that we didn’t need anyone else’s rules. We didn’t need his father’s money. We could go to America where we could both teach to earn an income if necessary.

What we didn’t know is that his father was around the corner hiding behind a tall bush, listening to our conversation. When we arrived back at the house, he summoned us to his library, a very dark room filled from floor to ceiling with books. This is where he admitted to his spying on us. He told us that we were very lucky that we had found each other. He married his wife because his parent’s told him too, but we actually loved each other. He pleaded that we didn’t go to America. He conveyed to his son for the first time that he loved him and that he was the light of his life. He apologized for never displaying his emotions in the past, but he wanted him to know how he truly felt.

The dream continued further, but I think the point was made here except to say that we never left for America. We always remained in love an best friends. And by the way, he snuck in to sleep with me every night until his father died when he moved in permanently and without hiding. I can not wait to meet this man again!

How do I have all these memories? They are pretty much a surprise to me. In fact, a few years ago, if someone told me that they ‘remembered’ their past lives, I would have thought them crazy. But here I am today, knowing that I did have many previous incarnations. Perhaps, it’s due to the planetary shift, or because I have increased the level of my intuitive abilities in the last couple of years, or maybe it’s because of some other reason. What I do know is that whatever the reason is, I am here now and supposed to remember them to help heal my soul during this lifetime.

One of my favorite shows is Deep Space Nine. One of the character’s was called Jadzia Dax. She was a person that lived symbiotically with another Being inside of her who had lived several other lives inside other people. Jadzia had all the memories of the previous hosts. This fascinating character could be seen as a metaphor for reincarnation. She could remember all of her lifetimes through the Dax symbiant, but she was still Jadzia. As the veils are being lifted and many of us are able to see into our former ‘host bodies’ lives, we are able to see that we sometimes act as we did in previous lives, hundreds of years before we were born; recreating the same arduous events with the same souls over and over again until we learn from our experience. By learning of past life experiences we can then clear much of the karmic damage we have been carrying with us, often for centuries.

I have seen myself in Ancient Egypt as a female healer. In fact, I have seen myself as a healer/intellectual in many lifetimes. I have been at least six different Native American Shamans, five male and one female. I have called the Catholic Church home in many lifetimes. I find it interesting that it took this lifetime to leave it. I have been a virgin sacrificed in an Aztec ritual. In fact, I have been offered up to men in many lifetimes, as well. I have mostly remembered myself as a good guy, but I have also seen the dark side of life. My memories, though, have helped heal my karmic reaction in this lifetime. I have been male and female, rich and poor and once I was even a famous historical figure.

The good news is that karma is easily healed with our thoughts. We don’t have to be on the ‘payback forever’ cycle. Pay attention to your dreams. Meditate regularly. Maybe even give hypnotherapy a whirl. I know from experience that I have come along way from where I was just a short time ago. With the release of so many fears and bad habits, I can honestly say, that I am a Being leaning a lot more on the side of joy and am here on this planet for the sheer bliss life’s journey has to offer.

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Thank you for reading and Namaste! (The Light in me recognizes the Light in you!)

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Tunney is a metaphysical writer, reiki master, spiritual life coach, as well as a shamanic practioner. She is currently writing an inspirational book and is also working on her Master's Degree in Metaphysics. She is an American who is currently fulfilling a lifelong dream by living in France. She hopes to share her experiences to help others on their journeys to Enlightenment.