Your world is in the midst of a Spiritual Awakening. It appears quiet yet the inner changes that many are now experiencing is having a profound effect upon the collective consciousness of your dimension. Life forms outside of the earth's atmosphere enjoy the unfolding events with in this great play we have been watching and yes, participating in!

You are living in a remarkable time. Many of you highly evolved, advanced souls very purposefully choose to reincarnate at this pivotal time. It is an agreed -upon time to wake up within the drama of life on earth. And at the same time, there are others, yes many, unfortunately who incarnate simply to reap the immediate benefits of this grand time and have no desire to awaken from the sleep, abusing their gift of free will and remaining ignorant of the consequences.

Just as an adolescent who too quickly takes advantage of the newfound freedom to interact in the world can easily find him or herself in dire straights, - The incarnate soul who separates for too long from its expanded self only to satisfy the desires of ego, will all- too- soon find itself receiving harsh lessons by the Higher Self. The Higher Self, Entity, Soul, Expanded Self, or parental self is a very active player in the play you have created for yourself. Just as physical parents play a necessary role in the nurturing, guidance, survival and support for the child, your Expanded Self has great power. When you awaken, as so many are now doing, you align yourself with a very powerful and highly creative level of consciousness and you dissolve the ego's sense of separation & aloneness. You then, just naturally, find yourself attracted to others who are also waking up. As you go beyond the separation you experience as physical ego, you also , go beyond the limitations of the physical dimension.

It is key to evolving your personal creative abilities. One does not have to struggle as an adolescent who has denied parental support too early. Rather, you become aligned with powerful parents who are very interested in co-creating with you and helping you fulfill all your desires. You as ego have the power to manifest all your dreams in physical terms while the Expanded Self - whom we wish you to think of as your Spiritual Parent - has the power to manifest psychically - maneuvering forces on your behalf to fulfill the need of physical actualization whereby you as ego have ultimate control over the creation. For it is You, - the ego -the physical, feeling you - who allows for the gateway to be open or closed to the manifestations in physical reality and this is where you have power. The reality you experience is always a reflection of your truth. It is a powerful team you align yourself with when you Awaken to your INNER Self!

Cheryl Knight

Copyright ?2000 The Omega Foundation
NOTE: If you wish support and guidance on how to Awaken to your Inner
self consider participating in your INNER AWAKENING INTERACTIVE PROGRAM

Author's Bio: 

Cheryl is a co-founder of The Omega Foundation dedicated to helping raise the consciousness of huminity by helping people understand how they are consciously creating their personal realities. Free Empowerment Newsletter.