Leaky Gut Syndrome is a gastrointestinal disorder whereby the lining of the intestine becomes weak due to repetitive irritation. Large holes in the walls of the gut are therefore created which allows food toxins and undigested food particles to leak into the bloodstream.

Leaky Gut is mainly caused by a build up of yeast which after a period of time breaks down the walls of the intestine and causes the toxins and food molecules to leak. The symptoms of the condition can be very unpleasant for the sufferer and include bloating, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, the feeling of being ‘sluggish’, depression, mood swings, migraines, insomnia and bloating. These symptoms will vary with each patient. The immune system will also assume that the leaked food particles in the blood stream are negative foreign bodies and create antibodies to fight against them. This, therefore, leads to an immune reaction when different foods are eaten which can cause the sufferer further discomfort.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is rarely tested for or diagnosed by doctors, as it can take a significant period of time before the sufferer feels unwell. The symptoms associated with Leaky Gut have been linked to triggering other auto immune conditions which is often the reason why the sufferer will then seek medical attention. Auto immune diseases (including diabetes, crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome) occur when the immune system attacks the body's own cells. Leaky Gut can trigger these diseases because the immune system is unable to differentiate the good and bad cells and attacks body tissues that are chemically similar to the foods leaking outside of the gut and into the blood stream.

There are many different reasons as to why Leaky Gut occurs, the main factor being poor diet. Other triggers can include high levels of alcohol and caffeine consumption, high stress levels, candidiasis (also referred to as thrush), and undiagnosed food allergies. The most effective way of treating Leaky Gut Syndrome and preventing its development is to address your diet and make active changes accordingly. Avoiding food groups linked to triggering allergies such as cow’s milk, eggs, nuts, bread and wheat based products is beneficial. A high intake of food additives and refined carbohydrates such as cake, white bread and crisps can also worsen the condition, as these can increase the permeability of the intestinal wall. Consuming natural probiotics and digestive enzymes can be significantly beneficial because they help repair your digestive system, ease an upset stomach and protect against bacterial irritations. Supplements such as magnesium, calcium,, vitamin B, antioxidants and cod liver oil also replenish vitamin and mineral deficiencies and protect the body cells. In addition, they boost the immune system, calm stress levels and increase mental alertness whilst maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

Leaky Gut Syndrome can certainly be avoided and effectively treated if you make the necessary diet and lifestyle changes. Eating a well balanced diet containing a combination of complex carbohydrates, protein and fibre will reduce the risk of irritating the intestinal wall and with the addition of taking natural supplements, will optimise digestive health.

For more information on leaky gut, please go to Megavista Health.

Author's Bio: 

Laura Yates is a Holistic Health Writer for Megavista-Health. Megavista-Health’s mission is simple. We aim to bring you the best information available from around the world on health and nutrition. We address the holistic approach to health, focusing on stress reduction, detoxification, correct nutrition, exercise and acid-alkaline balance.