Employers, personnel managers, and human resource directors will all profit from a better understanding of leisure and its hidden benefits to the company. The toll that stress takes on the individual can be minimized while making a substantial contribution to the over all quality of life. The feeling of satisfaction that comes from participation in leisure activities promotes a sense of general well being which can be observed in higher self confidence of the individual and a more positive attitude at both home and at work.

An employee's capacity to effectively use leisure skills for enhancing the quality of their life is, in fact, a company asset. These skills become strengths which help the individual to cope with all aspects of life. Minor problems at home do not disrupt the work environment as they are now handled at home. The work related stress of movement in the company, new jobs, early or normal retirement do not take on the significance they once did.

Through the development of leisure skills, the employee experiences a sense of well being derived from sources other than work. Life takes on more balance so that personal satisfaction is not totally dependent upon one's career. The self confidence learned from practicing leisure skills in a diverse range of activities actually reinforces the individual's ability to cope with stressful situations in a healthy manner. In other words, the individual develops leisure competence

Author's Bio: 

PhD in leisure behavior from the University of Illinois. President of Total Leisure Counseling.