My name is Khummit Hatshepsitu I am an entrepreneur, who has been in business for 22 years, a mother of two great sons, a grandmother of five, sister and a daughter whose mother lives with me. I am the owner and director of Center for Spiritual & Health Awareness and if you call you will speak with my mother the front person. We do colonic irrigations, nutritional counseling and analysis, massages, steams, saunas, 7 & 21 Day Fasting Programs. We also teach Medical Chi-Lel Qigong Healing Techniques for every possible ailment and disease, these same techniques were taught to thousands patients. Xuaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic and Training Center treated patients with more than 180 diseases with an overall effective rate of more than 95%. They were able to break down tumors in 2 minutes. I have the tape of a bladder tumor being disperse in less than three minutes by the doctors in China. It was the world’s largest and most successful alternative medicineless hospital. Unfortunately it was closed down in 2001 because of political reasons. Fortunately though the same Medical Chi-lel Qigong they were teaching at the center is here in Philadelphia at my center.

My passion is Social Justice prior to getting into Holistic Health and healing politics was my passion. I love community organizing, I love being in the thick of things being there to help people, adding value to their lives and giving nourishment to our future. For we, no matter what we do are role models for our youth. The passion that I had in the past has risen up inside of me in the health care field. Prior to working 22 years in this field I worked for 15 years in medicine, in the hospitals first as a Unit Clerk and then as a Nurses Aide. I went to Temple University and received a Bachelors degree in Social Work and a Masters in Education from the Counseling Psychology Department.

A few months ago I read a disturbing article, it really hit my spirit and my passion for Social Justice came back to life. This article was in my AARP Bulletin the title was Cash Before Care by Sid Kirchheimer. It was about a 61 year old man who paid $$273,000 in out-of-pocket cash costs for his ex-wife’s care for ovarian cancer. His insurance would not pay for it because she had a pre-existing condition. What was disturbing to me was that now he has cancer and his doctor sent him to a local cancer center who told him his treatment would be $30,000 dollars and he needed to pay $20,000 dollars cash up front before he can receive treatment. This is in Beeville, Texas in 2008, not in a foreign country.

The article went on to Anna McCourt supervisor of the American Cancer Society’s National Cancer Information Center, which helps patients 24 hours a day. She said, “We’ve seen this for quite some time, but its happening more and more. Requests from hospitals for tens of thousands of dollars upfront are not uncommon.” She says, “and there are occasions where patients have been asked for hundreds of thousands before they can access the care they need.” Those likely to be hit with upfront fees are the underinsured and uninsured. Those with in employer provided insurance is no guarantee that you won’t need to pay before check-in, a startling change from traditional practice of billing after treatment. The man in Texas did apply for charity, but because he had $10,000. in his 401(K) he was rejected.
This man has lost his home and land and now lives in a trailer on a friend’s property. If you have insurance or no insurance like the 45 million others me included this could be you, but it doesn’t have to be!

The other day I received this e-mail about Affordable Health Programs.
I started to delete it but I took a chance, I read it and I was impressed. It was not an insurance program like Cinergy who wants $240 a month for one person. This program offers discounted programs on Dental meaning you pay a discounted fee at time of service, significant savings on most Dental services, most ongoing Dental Problems included, it also includes Vision, Prescription & Chiropractic services, no limits on visits or services, Specialists included, the price for this Dental Program is $19.95 a month, the Membership Fee Guaranteed for Two Years. This $19.95 a month covers the whole household.

If you want Basic Health that includes:

Physician Care:
No waiting period, no paperwork, instant savings, Specialist included where available, all ongoing medical problems are accepted (our friends wife may have benefited from this program), cosmetic surgery included where available.

Ancillary (lab) Services, this includes physical therapy, laboratory procedures, imaging centers, hearing services, mental health services and diabetic supplies. (One of the members had three blood tests done, the bill was $275. with AmeriPlan he paid $48.).

Hospital Advocacy, now this is where our friend in this article could have benefited. If you are hospitalized and the anticipated charges exceed $2500 dollars, an advocate is assigned to negotiate the best possible fees for the hospital services, accounting for your ability to pay. All you have to do when the hospital asks “how are you going to pay for these services?” with this plan all you have to is I am self pay send me the bill. If you make an agreement with the hospital the advocate can not step in and negotiate because you have already made an agreement.

Nurse Line: you have access to a registered nurse 24/7 at no additional cost to you. This program is $29.00 a month
AmeriPlan Prescription Advocacy Program

If you want Total Health Program- that would include both programs at $39.95 a month. My mouth flung open when I saw what was offered and the prices, we have to begin to be proactive and take care of ourselves or be in position in case anything happens. When I saw all these programs I said yes, this is something we, those of us who are not insured and who may have limited funds at this time. As you can see I not only signed up I am selling this program because I believe in it and this is only one of the ways I give back. These are very affordable programs and if you want more information then go online to: or

Author's Bio: 

Khummit Hatshepsitu’s Bio

Khummit has been working in the community for twenty-two years. She studied in Brooklyn, N.Y. under Queen Afua of Heal Thyself Educational & Resource Center and became certified as a Holistic Practitioner and Colon Therapist. She also studied Chinese Massage and Nutrition at the Imhotep Institute in Manhattan, N.Y. under Dr. George Love, OMD. Khummit formally studied Chinese Medicine at the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Institute under Dr. Xu. She is also a Family Therapist with a Bachelor in Social Welfare and a Master’s Degree in Education from Temple University’s Counseling Psychology Dept. Khummit also has certificates from Onsite in Experiential Therapy and Psycho-drama. Khummit has also been trained in Chi-lel Qigong Healing Techniques used in the world’s largest alternative medicineless hospital Xuaxia Zhineng located in China.

Khummit has appeared on Channel 3 with Eleanor Jean Henley, on Channel 35 with the late Barbara Smith, Channel 6 on Visions and on Community Marque discussing colonic irrigations, nutrition and her books.
She has been invited to OIC do workshops for the youth and Lincoln University’s Upward Bound Program to speak to the teens about nutrition.
Also the National Black Women’s Health Project has had Khummit to do workshops on Colon Cleansing and Nutrition and she has been invited to speak and the Black Women’s Luncheon. She has spoken to the youth at OIC and those in the Upward Bound Program at Lincoln College.
In recognition for her service to the community she has received Certificates and Awards of Appreciation from the Civil Service Leader, City Council of Philadelphia and the Heal Thyself Garden Association.

Khummit has worked with Dr. Frederick Burton, the late Dr. Jayalakhsmi and with Dr. Anne Barnwell-Greyson, a surgeon in Petersburg, Va. whose
specialty is colo-rectal diseases and cancer.

Khummit is the owner of Center for Spiritual & Health Awareness. She has taken all her experiences and education to teach her clients the importance of nutrition and keeping the colon clean. By getting colonic irrigations, participating in 7 and 21 Day Fasting programs. Khummit is the author of Take Back Your Krown, “Healing the Spirit, by Getting Rid of the Anger” and her new book, “Colonic Irrigations and Weight Loss”.