Dear Loved Ones,

Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out and the Daily Universal Insights.

We welcome the whole world into this community of Soul driven Love, Gratitude and Oneness.

I love you. Breathe. I love you. Breathe. I love you. Breathe. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.

Never Give Up on Your Dreams

Never Give up! Never Give up on Your Dreams.
For your Dreams never give up on you.
That's Right, your Dreams never give up on you unless you give up.

Life is full of surprises. Life is full of challenges. Life is full of Games.
Let us all be attuned to our strength and perseverance in order to move through our difficult and weak times with Faith.
Let us all imagine our dreams as possibilities.
Let us all co-create our dreams with the Universe as God.
Let us all ask our Angels for support and guidance for they have their own special ways of getting the message across to us.

Let us all wake up and know that our dreams are God's dreams for us manifested through our Soul as One with the possibilities within the realm and world of all possibilities.
Let us all be patient and take action everyday towards our dreams.
Whatever the action may be. An action a day will give power to your dream and you shall be pro-active in your vision.

When you are pro-active, then you are no longer reactive as long as you are in the Now, the present moment. As with all things this too is a practice and a process. Let yourself be present moment by moment as you dream your dreams and take action upon your dreams.

Your dreams love you as you love your dreams.

Never Give up on Your Dreams for your Dreams never Give up on you.

And so it is and Bless you.

I love you. Breathe. I love you. Breathe. I love you. Breathe.

Please feel free to forward and share these Insights with your family, friends, associates, helpers, boss, teachers, students and enemies to create a space of openness to create Oneness.

May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.

For our healers and coaches creating Transformation inside and out.
For our purposeful creations of delightful and inspirational products.

With Love, Gratitude and Respect,
Michelle Morovaty
Truly, With God All Things Are Possible

© Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC

Author's Bio: 

Michelle Morovaty is an Intuitive Spiritual Teacher and Healer. She has healed herself from many challenges including Lupus CNS, a car accident and divorce. She uses her intuition and universal guidance to assist people through the healing process.

For more about Michelle and her healing sessions see and for her guided meditation CD's see