My clients and friends always ask me how I live a healthy lifestyle on a regular basis. My first response is that it is EASY. There are so many wonderful foods out there that are nutritious and taste great, besides fruits and vegetables. I like variety in my diet, including a ”treat” every once in awhile. There are endless products out there for special diets. I am gluten, dairy and sugar free and want to share my Nutritious 9 with you:

1. Organic Ville gluten and dairy free salad dressings

2. Arico gluten and dairy free cookies

3. Kay’s naturals protein cereal

4. Bell & Evan’s gluten free chicken nuggets

5. Soy Delicious frozen dessert

6. Alexia sweet potato fries

7. Hint water

8. Organic brand protein bars

9. Sensible Foods freeze dried fruit and vegetable snacks

Please feel free to contact us at for more product recommendations.

Author's Bio: 

Rachel Lerner is a certified nutritional consultant. Rachel’s passion for health and healing combined with her knowledge and expertise in nutrition inspired her to create Personal Web Nutrition, a company that designs custom online nutrition services. Personal Web Nutrition offers tailored nutrition services to private clients and businesses. Rachel creates nutritious, delicious and personal plans and programs tailored to help her clients with a variety of specific concerns that range from weight loss, food intolerances, increasing energy, or simply improving overall well-being. Personal Web Nutrition's custom services provide an opportunity to make positive changes in your eating habits without compromising taste.
Rachel received her certification through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants and has advised adults and children on managing weight, pain, food sensitivities or allergies, cholesterol, sugar and sodium through individualized food plans and programs. She has led seminars and written articles on various topics, including special dietary needs, the secrets to healthy eating, how food affects our mood and improving overall health.