As long as both are willing, of course, one kiss, one hug, one look into the eyes, one smile, brings happiness to at least the two people involved.

I wonder, then, why so many people shy away from those small intimacies that can help to bring joy to the giver as much as the receiver. What holds us back from taking the initiative, or from being able to accept the gift graciously? As always, fear will be lurking in there somewhere.

My vision of Emotional Fitness is that through using its tools, people will be free of such fear, will trust and love themselves sufficiently that they can listen to others in a way that will create trust and love in them too. The rules under which people can no longer touch each other in corporate settings or professional relationships may be there to protect the fearful, but do little to help them to overcome their fears. When such unwritten rules creep into family and relationship settings, they erode the potential for love, which withers in unfertile landscapes.

Who would like to give a hug to today? It’s free, it’s a gift, and given with genuine open-heartedness and reciprocity, it will make two people happy.

In peace

Warren Redman


Author's Bio: 

Warren Redman trained in the UK as a psychotherapist, facilitator and coach and has developed his own unique style of Emotional Fitness Coaching. He is president of the Emotional Fitness Institute (formally the Centre for Inner Balancing), writing about, teaching and coaching people in Emotional Fitness. He is the author of fifteen books, including the Award-winning The 9 steps to Emotional Fitness, Achieving Personal Success and Recipes for Inner Peace.

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