Dear Loved Ones,
Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out and the Daily Universal Insights.
We welcome the whole world into this community of Soul driven Love, Gratitude and Oneness.
I love you. I love you. I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.
Promised by Temptation
Promised to look good.
Promised to feel good.
Promised to be loved.
Promised to be cared for.
Promised to forget the unforgotten.
Promised to live in the darkness.
Have you ever looked at something you knew was not good for you and yet you denied your own truth while living to fail the outcome of the promise of a good time? Feeling good one minute, feeling awful the next? By your own wisdom driven Soul you know what is beneficial for you and yet you deny.
The temptations that promise a good time are everywhere to be seen and unseen.
The temptations that promise a good high are everywhere to be felt.
Why are we driven to trial and error by these temptations?
Why do we repeat the same mistakes over and over again?
Why are we absent with our own truth?
Why do we fail to see what our Soul truly desires?
Are we spending enough time with ourselves?
Do we believe that others can complete what we fail to complete ourselves by our absent minds?
Promised by temptation and living a life of sorrow.
Living a life of sorrow and living a life full of pain and loneliness.
Temptation does not fill in the holes of the empty feeling inside due to neglect. Neglect is the absence of Self-love looking to others for love and yet have Not found.
Temptations such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, Sex, spending and ego driven trips are here to be dissolved by the Power within our Souls. More and more we realize as we self-realize that we are One with the Divine. The Divine being that part of you and I and all that is well respected as self-dignity jumps in and opens the door for the truth to reveal itself.
The pleasures of life within our Truth do not cause sorrow after the fact as the promises of temptations do. The pleasures of life within our Truth fulfill us in the Now as we allow ourselves to be present. As we are the presents of God to one another, let us cherish each other and release any thought of the negative habits of the promise of temptations.
Let your dis-empowering temptations be replaced with the light and strength of God. And live an Empowering life of Truth within your Soul.
And so it is and Bless you.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Please feel free to forward and share these Insights with your family, friends, associates, helpers, boss, teachers, students and enemies to create a space of openness to create Oneness.
May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.
For our healers and coaches creating Transformation inside and out.
For our purposeful creations of delightful and inspirational products.
With Love, Gratitude and Respect,
Michelle Morovaty
Truly, With God All Things Are Possible
© Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC
Michelle Morovaty is an Intuitive Spiritual Teacher and Healer. She has healed herself from many challenges including Lupus CNS, a car accident and divorce. She uses her intuition and universal guidance to assist people through the healing process.
For more about Michelle and her healing sessions see and for her guided meditation CD's see
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