I have touched on psychic and spiritual awarenesses that can extend our perceptions well beyond the stage of our life, into the domains of the invisible choreographers and of the Producer. We are told by psychics, healers, meditators and mystics that the pursuit of this awareness is the most satisfying and rewarding of all human endeavors. I begin to believe this through my personal experiences, not just through intellectual awarenesses from lessons taught by experienced Masters of meditation, healing, prayer and religious practices.

When we engage in these awarenesses we begin to feel our participation in the All. The feeling of this connection transcends logical reason. It brings one into conscious connection with something that is intuitively felt to be the Self or higher self or core or whatever other inadequate name we give to this inner aspect of ourselves that connects us to the All.

...The world we live in is experienced and "created" in terms of the relationship between our minds and the universal information bank of the world mind. Our position in the world is not determined only by our conscious and unconscious volition, perception, feeling and rational understanding. It is determined also by our active relation to the cosmic "world awareness." To this "world awareness" we relate as to an a priori potential, and unconscious superconsciousness.

The practical implications of this reciprocal relationship are staggering. They amount to nothing less than a new, all-encompassing ecology of everyday life, for science, for the healing arts, and for social ordering. We cannot structure our lives solely by the wishes and hopes of our rational understanding. We are cells and partial functions of that universal mind substance. We are mind interacting with Mind, cells interacting with and dependent on organism.

Edward C. Whitmont, The Alchemy of Healing: Psyche and Soma, Berkeley, CA: Homeopathic Educational Services/ North Atlantic Books 1993.

Carers must be aware that they are not just there to be healers to those who come for their help. Clients are sent by the choreographers of life's dramas to teach therapists lessons as well. If the lessons are not picked up the first time then a second and third client with a similar problem will be sent. Doctors, psychotherapists, healers and other carers often comment on the 'coincidences' of clusters of clients arriving with the same or similar problems. Such synchronicities are cosmic itches that invite us to scratch below the surface occurrences to get to the organic roots behind them, to bring our attention to lessons we are needing to learn ourselves, and to open our awareness to how we are a part of an All that is far vaster than our little selves.

When the teacher is ready, the right client arrives to further the teacher's education

With true spirituality, all of life is a spiritual experience, every little bit of it. The spirituality is in how we fetch the wood and carry the water, in the awareness and intentionality that we bring to each task and relationship. This spiritual awakeness may be simple to describe but it is most difficult to learn to practice. It can be earned through the disciplines of meditation and prayer, and may be a legacy from near-death and mystical experiences. It comes with being a human being rather than a human doing. Laurens van der Post (The Voice of the Thunder, London: Penguin 1994) has captured its essence beautifully in his descriptions of the Kalahari Bushman, who in the 1950s was sadly losing it as his stone age culture was being eroded by modern civilization:

The bows he now made were just for sale; but the one I first saw was a bow not only for enabling him to feed himself and his group but also an image of his urge to procreate and create beyond himself -- the badge of the hunter on the spoor of meaning that leads to the self.

Resources on spiritual healing

Benor, Daniel J, Healing Research: Volume I, (Popular edition)
Spiritual Healing: Scientific Validation of a Healing Revolution, Bellmawr, NJ: Wholistic Healing Publications 2007 (Orig. 2001)
Healers describe their work, research in parapsychology as a context for understanding healing, brief summaries of 191 randomized controlled studies, pilot studies. (FREE postage in the US)

Benor, Daniel J, Healing Research: Volume I, (Professional Supplement)
Spiritual Healing: Scientific Validation of a Healing Revolution,
Southfield, MI: Vision Publications, 2001.
Only the annotated, critiqued 191 randomized controlled studies and the pilot studies - described in much greater detail, including statistical information. (FREE postage in the US)

Resources for exploring messages from your body

WHEE: Whole Health - Easily and Effectively®
Wholistic Hybrid derived from EMDR and EFT
Potent self-healing method for releasing emotional and physical stress, pains, residues of traumas
Workbook Paperback - WHEE for pain Articles Workshops

Resources for explaining the mind-body connection

Benor, Daniel J. Healing Research, Volume II: (Professional edition)
Consciousness, Bioenergy and Healing, Bellmawr, NJ: Wholistic Healing Publications 2004.
Thorough review of research validating the efficacy of self-healing, wholistic complementary/ alternative medicine (CAM), biological energies, and environmental interactions with bioenergies.
“Book of the Year” award - The Scientific and Medical Network, UK
Paperback, CD-ROM or e-Book of Consciousness, Bioenergy and Healing
(15% author’s discount on V2. Professional edition paperback and CD-ROM worldwide, and free postage in the US)

Benor, Daniel J. Healing Research, Volume II: (Popular edition)
How Can I Heal What Hurts? Wholistic Healing and Bioenergies,Bellmawr, NJ: Wholistic Healing Publications 2005
Popular edition Explains self-healing, wholistic complementary/ alternative medicine (CAM) and bioenergies, and discusses ways in which you can heal yourself.
(15% author’s discount on V2. Popular edition paperback worldwide, and free postage in the US )

Develop and deepen your intuition and personal spirituality

Healing Research, V. 3
Personal Spirituality: Science, Spirit and the Eternal Soul, Bellmawr, NJ: Wholistic Healing Publications (November 2006)

Reaching Higher and Deeper
Workbook for Healing Research, Volume 3: Personal Spirituality:
Bellmawr, NJ: Wholistic Healing Publications 2007

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