Have you been feeling the doldrums with your job lately? Do you find yourself procrastinating with certain tasks? Is it hard to get up in the morning to get to work? If you answered "yes" to these questions, chances are there is incongruence between your job and your life purpose. And, the good news is, you don’t have to quit your job to address this incongruence(unless you really want to)!
Articulating your life purpose is an effective means to increasing joy in our work. Yes, you have a life purpose. No, you don’t have to create it out of thin air. You already know what it is, even if you haven’t put words on it yet. You have been living out your purpose all of your life. Your life purpose is about the essence of who you are. It is who you can’t help but be.
There are many ways to identify your life purpose. One way is through art. Art is a powerful tool for self exploration. Art bypasses words and language. Art allows us to express the core of who we are, even when we can’t find the words to do so. And, you don’t have to be artistic to benefit from using art for self exploration.
Try this: Make a collage using magazine pictures, photos, or any random items that capture your interest. As you are selecting things to include in your collage, do not think too much. Just select pictures or items that capture your interest. Arrange them in your collage in whatever way feels good to you. Once you have completed your collage, ask yourself these questions: What feelings come up as you look at your collage? What themes do you see? What colors or patterns stand out? What does your collage say about who you are? Write your answers to these questions. Put your collage aside for a day or two. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself thinking about your collage off and on. What thoughts and feelings come up? Jot these down. Then come back to your collage. Notice what is in your collage and what you have written down. To take this one step further, share your collage with a trusted friend or colleague. Ask for their feedback as to what the collage says about you.
What words or phrases come up repeatedly? Use these words or phrases to write a few sentences about your life purpose. Start with the words, "I am..." and go from there. See what comes up. Play with this. How do you feel as you read your life purpose aloud? You may feel what you have written is only partially done. That is okay. Articulating your life purpose is an on-going process.
By doing this exercise, you have begun to develop a sense of your life purpose, and that is sufficient for looking at how your life purpose relates to your job. When you feel lagging energy for your work, what is happening in your job that may be incongruent with your life purpose? What options do you have for dealing with that? How are you expressing your life purpose in your work? What might you do this week to bring your life purpose into your work? Answering these questions AND taking action on your answers will put you on the path to bringing joy into your work. If you find you need more assistance with this, work with a life coach to explore this further.
Business & Life Coach, Sabrina Schleicher, Ph.D. offers a FREE e-course: 7 INSIDE TIME MANAGEMENT SECRETS OF ELITE PERFORMERS plus FREE subscription to her newsletter at www.tapthepotential.com
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