The benefits of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) have been known since the 1970's. Unfortunately, many doctors do not routinely recommend CoQ10 to their heart patients. If you've never heard of CoQ10, I'm going to explain what it is, how it works, signs of deficiency, and the benefits of increasing your CoQ10 intake.

CoQ10 is a fat-soluble vitamin and powerful antioxidant. CoQ10 not only fuels energy production, but it removes many free radicals from circulation. Free radicals lead to the oxidation of LDL and the subsequent chain of events resulting in arterial plaque formation and narrowed arteries.

How CoQ10 works

The powerhouse of your cells is the mitochondria. The mitochondria converts the foods you eat into energy your body can use. The form of energy the body uses is called ATP. ATP is produced within the mitochondria by taking needed electrons from foods. CoQ10 is responsible for carrying the electrons back and forth between enzymes in the production of ATP.

If that was a little too much science for you, let me make it much simpler.

Without CoQ10 your cells can not produce energy for your body to function, including the heart muscle. The heart uses an enormous amount of energy to function and maintain blood circulation 24/7.

Numerous studies have shown patients with heart disease to have a CoQ10 deficiency. Individuals suffering from cardiomyopathy or heart failure appear to have the greatest deficiencies. Benefits of supplementing CoQ10 are seen in individuals experiencing angina, coronary artery disease, post-operative heart surgery, and heart attack recovery, cardiomyopathy, and heart failure.

CoQ10 is especially beneficial if you have narrowed arteries and reduced blood flow to the heart. CoQ10 uses what little oxygen and nutrients the heart receives to increase production of ATP and boost the hearts energy levels.

Physician's routinely using CoQ10 as part of their treatment plan for heart patients often refer to CoQ10 as "the miracle supplement" due to the drastic improvements to patient heart function.

CoQ10 Deficiency

Symptoms associated with a CoQ10 deficiency develop gradually over time, so signs are often overlooked.

Symptoms include: aches and pains, fatigue, sore muscles, weakness, malaise, and shortness of breath

Our bodies are designed for CoQ10 to be formed from a variety of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. If your intake of vitamin C, B-12, B-6, pantothenic acid, and various other minerals and nutrients is deficient, the production of CoQ10 is compromised. Conditions and medications, such as hyperthyroidism, antidepressants, gum disease, and advanced age will also cause lower than adequate levels of CoQ10.

Benefits of CoQ10

  • Prevents heart disease
  • Slows the aging process
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Boosts energy
  • Increases strength
  • Builds up the immune system
  • Improves the nervous system
  • Protects against gum disease
  • Counteracts negative side effects of some cholesterol medications

Consult your MD to determine if supplementing CoQ10 is the right treatment option for your situation. If supplementing CoQ10 is right for you, it will be most effective if you have a solid foundation that supports heart health.

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