You can reduce symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease with the use of probiotics either through natural foods or through supplements. Probiotics help to promote digestive health and is a non-drug alternative that can assist you in your bowel difficulties.

Both good and bad bacteria live as microorganisms in your digestive tract. For a healthy digestive system, you need a proper balance of good and bad bacteria co-existing harmoniously. An overgrowth of bad bacteria or yeast can result in symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease such as constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and nausea. You would also be surprised that other symptoms such as headaches and body aches, pains and chronic fatigue can also result from a case of bad bacterial overgrowth. Probiotics can assist you with keeping the growth of Candida under control and improve your overall health.

There are a few reasons why an overgrowth of bad bacteria can happen in the first place, thereby causing you to develop an inflammatory bowel disease. One commonly cited cause of depletion of friendly bacteria in our systems by natural health experts is the overuse of antibiotics. Although antibiotics are sometimes necessary, the use of antibiotics for unnecessary treatment leaves people with compromised bacterial systems. Other causes of the less than ideal amount of friendly bacteria in our digestive tract include stress, swallowed chlorine, environmental toxins, toxins in food, and poor diet.

Good or friendly bacteria fight pathogens, strengthen and promote healthy digestion of food and help treat and prevent inflammatory bowel disease. By aiding digesting, probiotics help with the absorption of important nutrients like calcium.

How strong your immune system is can be related to the proper functioning of your digestive system. Interestingly, some studies actually show that that well over half of your body’s ability to provide immune resistance is found in your intestinal tract. Therefore, if you fail to restore your healthful bacteria after a course of antibiotics, or other factors, you may observe many symptoms including a decrease in your immune function.

Probiotics are available from food sources and as dietary supplements. Foods rich in probiotic cultures include natural cheeses, yogurt, and buttermilk. Other foods with less active ingredient include wheat grass, spirulina, and chlorella. You can alternatively purchase probiotics in a capsule or powder form at health food stores.

Symptoms of an inflammatory bowel disease can be reduced when you start yourself on probiotics to restore digestive health. You would find that most foods rich in probiotics are also full of nutrients that are necessary in the strengthening of an immune system. You have much to gain when you include them in your regular diet.

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Kim Leong is a writer on detox diet. For more free tips, please visit her site at