Every path toward achieving any result is a process. An honest evaluation of this process is critical to producing results. Measurements must be made to determine if we are doing what we say we want to do, and achieving what we say we want to achieve. Either we are getting the job done, or it is not getting done. This is not a blame or shame game, but rather, an honesty game. It is the game of aligning of our wants to match our commitments. So often we mistake the two. We can want whatever we want, but we get what we're committed to.

You want to paint the house blue? Have you purchased the paint? Have you hired a painter? Have you produced the money to buy the materials? Have you learned what it takes to paint houses? Are you seeking the support that you need in order to achieve your dream? Do you have a plan? What is it? Have you committed to a "by when" you will have any of these necessary tasks done. It's "Yes" or it's "No" to any of these questions. If it's "Yes" then you are clearly moving toward goal completion. You are also clearly committed to making this goal happen. If it's "No" then you only want to paint the house. If you would like to align your wants with your commitments, then this is an opportunity to do something different. Because if what we have done is gaining us ground toward having what we want, then in this process we would either feel like we were getting there or we would already have what we want! Either experience is a valid indication of our clear commitment. If movement toward goal completion is not what is happening, then it may be time for you to choose to evaluate what you're doing so that you can align your wants with your commitments. Choosing is the key to unlocking your power to manifest things in real time and in real life situations.

This evaluation process is not about judging. There may very well be many things we do that only seem off-purpose to the successful fruition of our goals, and it is not necessarily up to us to decide which ones are and which ones are not. Sometimes it is up to us to decide that something is a distraction, and then we can cut it out. But there always comes a point after efforting and struggle, when we simply have to let go and trust. We have to trust that The All That Is in its Infinite wisdom knows things about what we are doing and the future effect of those efforts, things that may be critical to our success. Yet even despite the presence of Infinite Power supporting us, it is still us who have to shift our consciousness into the mindset that will allow in all the good that Source has to offer, regardless of the form it comes in. For instance, we can outline in exactitude just what kind of relationship we would like, yet to demand our joy be with a specific person is not the way to achieve that perfection. Each person has their own personal goals and objectives, and it is not up to us to try and determine for another what their life purpose is. It may not be to be with us, even if it seems that we want to be with them. There is however, always some perfect someone whose goals match up with ours, and it's the allowing in of that perfect match that we are aligning our thoughts, feelings, and intentions with.

We can always state what we want, but we have to allow the Universe to provide us with the means to achieve it. And It always does do that, with perfection, and in perfect timing. In perfect timing with the work we have done with our consciousness! How often did you say "Yes!" today, to all of your good? How often did you bless everything you already have? That's the work we have to do. Gratitude opens the flood gates for allowing. For allowing all the good to come into our lives, and in the many forms it comes in. Even the forms that our good has already come in, that this process of appreciation will open our eyes to seeing. Know that this evaluating process is one that will determine if we need to be more appreciative, because to increase our appreciation is exactly how we prepare ourselves to receive our expanding abundance.

This evaluating process is so critical to our success. Either we are on our way to have the house become blue, or it is already blue. Every path is a process. Do you feel like you are achieving at a rate which satisfies you? Do you already have the results you want? If the answer is "Yes" then you are producing results at a level you are happy with. If not, then something else must be done. Either we have what we want, or clearly see that we're getting there, or something else is happening. It's that "something else" that must be addressed. There are so many ways that the negative mind default system that I call "The Predator" in that it eats our lives, our time, and our energy right up, uses to keep us from learning the truth: that there are powers, processes, and procedures, tools, techniques, and technology, that all give us access to being able to achieve results far, far, beyond what our doubts, worries, fears, and old beliefs would have us manifest in our lives, and as our lives. There are hundreds of these usable items in the seminars I present, and the important distinction is that they are all easily accessible, immediately useable, easy to understand, and you are always supported in being inspired enough to pick them up in the first place! Inspiration is that which has you pick up those tools, and then actually use them. Because to be in action, to put the "C" in inspiration and turn that energy into "Inspira-C-tion" is what I coach people to do. "C!" you can do it! Because for me, inspiration is taking action over time.

There is also a process of discovery that "uncovers" our exact amount of willingness to use these results producing tools. That willingness is key to our letting in our good. In this evaluation process, you have to always ask yourself, "Am I willing?" Am I willing to do whatever it takes to shift my consciousness into a prosperity mindset? Am I willing to have it all? Am I willing to let in my good? Am I willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my goals? That "whatever it takes" is always a function of appreciation, no matter what. Regardless of circumstances, regardless of judgments of failure, and then simply regardless of anything. Because either we are willing to succeed, or we are not. No blame here. No shame either. Just some key questions that need to be asked. Asking ourselves these exact questions presented in The One Penny Millionaire!™ seminar, and then being supported in honestly answering them, has the effect of unlocking our potentials. Tell the truth, and the truth will set you free. Free to be yourself, and free to be the enormously talented person who you already are. Telling the truth also frees our potential to produce results. Our potential to shift our lives from hope to have.

The question is: Are you achieving the results you desire, and if not, what are you going to do different that will then lead you toward this success?

TB Wright is the creator of The One Penny Millionaire!™ web based seminar series, and the author of Be BAD! Do Good! How To Get What You Want In Spite Of Yourself! which is available at www.onepennymillionaire.com. "It's your abundance. Get used to it!"©

Author's Bio: 

About The Author

For those of you who like credentials and history, Mr. Wright provides the following biographical data.

“Degrees and pieces of paper aside, the only real success we can ever have is in the creation of who we are, what we do, and what we manifest in every moment, from this moment on!” . . . TB Wright, Author/Inventor.
In addition to disseminating the transformational seminar The One Penny Millionaire!™ throughout the world, TB Wright has enjoyed a long and distinguished career in the roles of communicator, writer, and seminar leader.
· Executive Director and coursework creator The Mastery Project, conducted with prison inmates in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Texas.
· Licensed Avatar© Master, worldwide transformational seminar series.
· Guest Seminar Leader, Landmark Educational Corporation, empowering participants to breakthrough throughout the world.
· Staff member in New York and San Francisco, The Six Day intensive life altering courses.
· Forum© Leaders program participant by invitation.
· Communications aide to presidents Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford in a non-political capacity.
· Awarded Presidential Service Citation.
· Professor of English, science fiction and short story writer, published poet nominated for The Pushcart Prize In Poetry.
· Executive Editor at Xerox Corporation, editor at The Texas Review, editor of The Alfred Review.
· Business owner, The Wright Builders, Inc., and ABI, A Better Inspection.
· Founding Member and President of the board,The Katuah Sudbury School in Asheville, NC.
· Published Writer, Acronyming POWER Your Life! and Be BAD! Do Good! How To Get What You Want In Spite Of Yourself!
· Coursework creator The One Penny Millionaire!™ (onepennymillionaire.com)
· Licensed Practitioner for the teachings of the Science of Mind, and active student of ancient Toltec wisdom.
TB Wright currently resides in beautiful Asheville, N.C. with his daughter, Alyssa, and son, Nicolas.