Since I’ve had years of experience reading for people, I will tell you this. Most of the calls I get as a psychic are not about work, or investing in the stock market, or how to dress for success, they’re about your love life. There’s nothing more important to us. Being happy in love, and being able to live happily with the one you love is one of life’s greatest blessings.
And nothing is more important in your love life than timing.
One thing to be aware of is Mercury Retrograde. We just ended one as I write, and it was a heavy one. They all are. Typically during Mercury Retrograde, communications get fouled up. Faxes don’t send, you don’t get emails, you forget to mail letters, the car radio won’t work, the loud speaker goes on the blink, your cell phone fades out, appliances break down. The passage of things runs amuk – deliveries, travel. Our ability to remember things.
Well the same thing is going on for people as this is a time when psychics get a lot of calls. Because there’s so much static in the communication field, we all get more frustration, and it’s tempting, if you aren’t conscious of what’s going on, to take it out on your honey. And what a time to do this! Why have an argument when communications are iffy to begin with? You feel out-of-sorts and can’t get anything to work, so you start in your relationship. It’s jumping from the frying pan into the fire!
The remaining Mercury Retrograde in 2007 is October 11 – November 11.
It’s a time to slow down, generally not to start new things (nobody get the directions right), and to process and assimilate things from the past, particularly from the last Retrograde. Make a note of those dates right now, and plan to process what goes on in the first upcoming one, so you can notice its effect during the next one.
You can expect negotiations to fail, contracts to fall apart, deals to break, and all sorts of travel delays.
The “re” in retrograde is important to note. You can plan on doing a lot of “re” work during a Retrograde – reworking your thesis, replanting the bushes, repairing the sink, rescheduling appointments, rehashing plans … all of this so you don’t have any re-grets.
Now, if you work with a psychic and are on a psychic’s mailing list, you’ll get advance notice of a transit like this. It’s always a good time to have a reading with a psychic because it can bring clarity about what’s going on. Even though you know all this about MR, you will not re-member!
It’s especially key that you note the Retrogrades when you’re in a new or sinking relationship, because they are vulnerable to begin with. It’s not a good time to have “that talk,” because no one knows “why,” and even if they do, they can’t express it clearly.
In fact I wouldn’t even have to put the dates on my calendar. I know it’s a Mercury Retrograde because my phone starts ringing off the hook.
It’s so easy when you’re doubtful about a relationship, or it’s new, to over-react when he doesn’t call, or doesn’t show up for your date, or puts something ambiguous in an email. When it’s Mercury Retrograde, this will happen and it has nothing to do with the relationship itself. BTW, it’s not a good time to be ironic, sarcastic of to speak “in jest,” and you can count on everyone taking it “the wrong way.”
A psychic reading helps you be proactive about your important relationships, rather than retroactive, reactive, regretful and remorseful. And possibly rejected.
(c) Semiramis is the Queen of Hearts. Semiramis can help you with your love life. Find your soul-mate. Get him to come back. Reading by phone or email. Readings, charts, kits. Saturn Return and compatiblity. Money, decisions, Mercury Retrograde. You can visit her on the web at , . Prompt, courteous, accurate and confidential service.
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