Just about everything and everyone is going green these days; call it a fad or a turning point, but people are becoming more environmentally aware and vigilant in saving our planet. This earth-friendly sensibility doesn’t simply stay in the confines of our own homes, because it is everywhere: from political parties to business and matters of love, green is without doubt the new favourite colour. Global warming and pollution is real, and it’s always a good bet to go outside and do some good for Mother Earth. You’re well on your way to make this world a better place to live in, and maybe meet somebody who can share the green lifestyle.

And who knows, your low-impact living might impress your new crush enough to make him/her go out with you on a green date!Here are some suggestions on how to sneak environmental awareness into your love life: With the harmful effects of chemicals and preservatives in our health, locally grown, organic foods are gaining immense popularity worldwide. Going to an outdoor or a farmer’s market and wandering around with your date can be super-fun. Taste-test all of the area’s freshest and juiciest foods, and pick out both your favourite cheeses, fruits and veggies, then set off to a nice park to savour your freshest picks.

This activity not only helps promote the produce of local growers, but makes your tummies contented as well. A candlelit dinner and the customary movie date can be positively romantic, although it can also be quite predictable. Want a twist to turn a night time date into a green date? Try stargazing—it’s a romantic and environmentally-conscious alternative. Take a basket with some bubbly, bread, cheeses, and of course a warm blanket and a pair of binoculars! You may want to find a secure and safe local park, so plan beforehand; visit your state’s parks website and explore the area. Love everything quiet and serene? Local lakes and coastlines offer a relaxing way to admire nature.

Rent a canoe or a kayak—this is a great way to get out on the water without the gasoline engines that upset the local wildlife and environment. Just don’t forget to bring along a backpack filled with snacks and refreshments to keep you paddling the whole day. A trip to the local waterworks may sound like part of a grade-school field trip, but it can actually be an interesting experience. Schedule a date to the local watershed and learn where your drinking water is coming from, and where it is going. You and your date will not only gain a fascinating insight on how water is made available at all times, but could also discover a shared passion in protecting the environment.

Most women have a penchant for flowers (unless she’s allergic, of course) and men can’t help but admire the beauty of a place filled with blooms (although they don’t usually say it). A botanical garden or nature preserve is an excellent place to visit if you want the feeling of being in a natural paradise. These centres often encourage appreciation of local plant species and gardening techniques, which may inspire you and your date to plant your very own pot of gorgeous blooms. And oh, you can enjoy the lovely backdrop afterwards and snap some stunning pictures to capture sweet memories of your green date.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article Ruth Purple is a Relationships Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Ruth recently decided to go public and share her knowledge and experience through her website relazine.com. You can sign up for her free newsletter and join her coaching program.