How does today contribute to your goal?
What do you need to shape-shift or change in order to transform your current perspective into what is needed to achieve this goal?

Where are you holding back?

Do you ever wonder why we keep attracting the same experience again and again until we are sick ...How does today contribute to your goal?
What do you need to shape-shift or change in order to transform your current perspective into what is needed to achieve this goal?

Where are you holding back?

Do you ever wonder why we keep attracting the same experience again and again until we are sick of it but we don’t quite know what we need to do different in order to break the cycle?

I personally kept attracting small, low-paid jobs where I could only use my basic skills (such as typing, etc) but not the more advanced and exciting skills such as communication, writing or creating strategies.

I then realised that the reason why I attracted these mind-dead jobs was that I was needing to use my safe skills and wasn’t daring to take the plunge and use my special skills, my gifts. So what I attracted were safe jobs and safe money, even though every second I was spending doing these tasks were killing my soul, one bit at a time.

Then one day you realise that there is a cycle that keeps repeating and you are not too pleased with it! This is the first step to be able to break it: the realisation that it is (and has been for maybe a long time!) taking place.

Once you become aware is like switching a light on that can’t be put out. This means that you have outgrown the lesson and it comes a time that the pain of doing such activity brings you down so much that you literally lose your fears associated with it (e.g. fear of not being safe, fear of not making money, fear of the unknown, fear of uncertainty). This is the beginning of trusting. It is kind of moving away from pain and getting closer to joy.

Then you work in preparing yourself, commit your energy to your new path. In my case, I started the ball rolling by deciding that I wanted to make Life Path Coaching into a business and no longer a “hobby”. There was more commitment and determination; I started making myself known to prospective clients, dabbing in all the areas of the business (even the old-dreaded marketing!), making contacts with like-minded people and creating partnerships.

What happens next is that by continuously focusing on your new path, you start consistently bringing opportunities to yourself. The confidence that is created breaks the old patterns and you are then ready to leap to one more level of communication or self-expression and which comes from being consistent with your integrity.

By finding out where you are not consistent with your integrity you will find your needs. Needs push away our dreams so it is good to have a good look at the real reasons behind staying put in a less than desirable situation or pattern.

In my case, customers will relate to your integrity (the Who) and not merely to your words (the What). You will only attract them when you release needing them and you will let go of getting the money you need to live from them. In a way, it is like saying “I have something better to do than being with my clients” meaning “I love what I do and I truly enjoy helping people shift to a higher level of empowerment, but if I need my clients I will push them away so I let go of that attachment and what is meant to happen, will”.

Basically, if you are not genuine (out of integrity) people will detect it straight away and you don’t have much of a chance to make anyone believe in you!

To be in-genuine-nity means to have faith, to have the child-like trust that regardless of what may seem a world of struggle and fight, we are safe and we are provided for. Then I realised that this is the power of belief and that I have always had it, even when I didn’t realised I did, and this is what has allowed me to survive and thrive against all the odds, against all the “negative” circumstances in my life.

But then, I realised that there is one step further where we are required to take our faith or self-belief if we want to lead a life totally memorable: a leap of faith represented by believing in things before “they arrive”, before they are “manifested”, before we can see them with our eyes and touch them with our hands.

So I have taken the decision that I want to announce to the world that I am ready to accept whatever comes. Without demands or expectations. Without conditions or limits.

I have done my best to release my fear of success, my fear of lack, my fear of commitment and my fear of uncertainty. In fact, I enjoy being in a situation with the freedom of all possibilities. Perhaps because I have come to a point where at last I trust my abilities and skills, my talents and my creativity (this is appreciate and nurture your gifts and creating some “breathing space); I have made myself comfortable with not-knowing (this is releasing control); I have understood that the Universe wants me to be prosperous and happy (this is increasing your faith) and so I am able to accept each day, knowing that whatever happens is taking me one FAST step forwards to my life-work and my goals!

I read somewhere that the three stages to find out your life work are:
1. Know who you are.
2. Your talents are shown to you.
3. Your life-work is shown to you.

I have decided that it is time to get myself out of my own way so that Spirit and my Higher Self can POSITION me at the right place, the most appropriate scenario for me to go forward faster towards my future.

If I had to express these words in a formula, this is how I would say it:
Surrender + Faith + Self Confidence + Acceptance = Big Time!!!

? Surrender – Release control
? Faith – Trust gained
? Self Confidence – Allow my gifts to flourish
? Acceptance – of Responsibility
? Big Time – Taking of my own Power

Your gifts are really the representation of your soul; your key-note; your self-expression; the part of you aligned to the Universal Harmony; the instrument in the Cosmic Orchestra.

The idea is to take each day as a task and accept it, be willing to learn the lesson hidden in the task, not attach yourself to one result or another this way avoiding struggle and frustration and knowing that the reason why this task has been presented to us is because there is something we need to learn or someone we need to meet in order to progress further. In other words, there is a piece of your shadow that is demanding to be integrated in the whole, shape-shifted or transmuted into light.

The question to ask yourself is:


Author's Bio: 

Dr Ana Garcia has a Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Sciences specializing in Transpersonal Counselling (integration of higher consciousness in the counseling process) and a Masters degree in Education and Languages. She is a Coach U CTP graduated Life and Business Coach and has a management qualification with the British Institute of Management.

Dr Ana is a Reiki Master and a Spiritual Mentor. She has studied the Metamorphic Technique Universal Principles with its founder, Gaston St. Pierre and holds qualifications in Character Analysis and Graphology with the British School of Yoga and Nutrition with the School of Natural Health Sciences (UK).

Dr Ana's passion is to inspire others to claim their own power, clarify their dreams and create strategies to succeed. Her vision is to help the earth raise its base-frequency from pain and violence to hope and harmony and she thinks this is best accomplished by working with the parents of the New Children so that they can reach their potential unimpeded and anchor their higher frequencies of love and harmony in the planet (