A meager existence in a limited environment does not have to be our destiny. We should find the purpose of living and change things for the better. In fact, there is abundant supply of anything we can conceive of. We must only know how to tap it. Of course, it can be learnt. We just have to ... A meager existence in a limited environment does not have to be our destiny. We should find the purpose of living and change things for the better. In fact, there is abundant supply of anything we can conceive of. We must only know how to tap it. Of course, it can be learnt. We just have to understand a few natural techniques and put them into practice religiously till our needs are fulfilled. It is not imperative to crave for the highest things. But it helps to aim high.
We should so alter our mode of thinking as to align ourselves with the all-pervading forces of nature that can provide all we need.
We must be self-sufficient on the material plan to grow mentally. A hungry man hardly prays. You can create very harmonious conditions around you that will permit you to succeed, in almost any material pursuit, by a slight adjustment in your way of thinking. The correct thought process brings the desired results. Forget for a moment all your problems. Let us start with the thought that you are free to do whatever you wish to, and that all things are possible. These may seem very simple changes, but they are not.
Remember that simplicity is most complicated. A problem and its solution are both born at the same time according to the Law of duality of creation. It is a matter of finding the solution. How long will it take? It depends upon the concentration of our thoughts. The more concentrated the thoughts, the greater the results. The more concentrated the sun rays, the deeper they burn. The techniques of Yoga teach us one-pointed attention. It clearly means no divided attention. Listening to music and praying may be termed as divided attention. Don't try to trick yourself into believing that something will happen just because you are making half-hearted efforts to achieve a certain goal. Life does not work that way.
Every day brings new opportunities or chances for success or failure in a project. The greater our aspirations, the greater the risk factor will be. If we keep clearing our mind of all the limitations we have wrongly placed upon ourselves, soon we would succeed to achieve all we desire. We must be able to contain what we ask for. Everything lies within. The Law of Abundance does not discriminate or favor any one for it is dictated by the Absolute.
Try to become aware of the power you possess this minute -- the power of your thoughts to help or harm yourself or others. This power of thoughts can be multiplied by mental concentration. And then success is sure and automatic.
I believe in overcoming a problem by concerted efforts, rather than fretting body, mind and soul over it. There are no limits to human potential. The only limits that are, are placed by us. There is always room for improvement. When things look really bad, then is the time to try a little harder and put all our faculties to work. We must try until we find the right solution to the problem we are faced with. Like the waves of the sea, keep going back toward your aim and you shall win.
Of all those who choose to make themselves better, most eventually do, if they continue trying with a dogged determination. Life is a battle. When we are more persistent than the problem, it gets resolved. Do not underestimate yourself because you may have a lesser education than your colleagues. College education is fine, but the university of hard knocks teaches and trains us for practical challenges. Success is meant for everybody, decide to choose it! Do it today.
Present is the most wonderful. Anything can only be done in the NOW. This "Now" is so short and short-lived. Start living in the present. Those who live in the past usually fail and die under its burden. Build for a rosy tomorrow. Good luck!
Ostaro is the author of "The Art & Craft of Success; 10 Steps" and co-author of "101 Great Ways to Improve Your life, Vol. 3. He an international astrological consultant known for his accuracy in making predictions for his clients' future and global events. He is filmmaker who produced two indies: "Cobra's Wish" (2005) and "Vaikoont". He has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Daily News and has appeared on dozens of radio shows, as well as The David Letterman Show and Daily Show with Jon Stewart. www.ostaro.com
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