Are you sick of the status quo? Perhaps you are unhappy with your job...still.
Maybe your copywriting business hasn't grown as fast as you expected. Or maybe you don't have the relationship you always dreamed of with your spouse or significant other.
If you've experienced the same problems repeatedly, or for a long period of time, know that you have to do something different if you want to get a different result. Don't spend your energy thinking about what your spouse should do differently, or what your clients should do differently. Ask yourself "What can I do differently?"
If you are serious about creating change in your business or personal life, here are three specific things YOU can do:
1. Move Faster. I've heard several experts say that success loves speed. Joe Vitale, contributor to The Secret and a Law of Attraction expert, tells us that money loves speed. If you are not experiencing the success or prosperity you desire, I suggest you move faster. If you have an idea you can think about it and plan to take action. Before you know it weeks, months, even years have passed. If you have an idea to start a business or do a new marketing promotion go ahead and plan for it – a little bit. And do it. Do you feel like you are already moving fast? Trust me, you can always move faster. Creating positive change is all about energy and moving your energy. The faster it moves the more things happen.
2. Stay out of your comfort zone. If you're comfortable, chances are you're not changing. Comfortable feels good; it's safe. But comfortable doesn't bring about change – it brings the same results. I suggest from the bottom of my heart, that if you do want a different result and you have an idea to get that result, just jump in and do it.
Many times people don't get out of their comfort zone because they are afraid to fail. It's OK to fail. Failure is how you get ahead in life. Ask most successful people – they tell you they are just like anybody else. They just failed 10 times before they had their big success. You are only seeing their success because that's all that matters. No one cares or remembers the mistakes.
3. Determine that your word is law – It all boils down to discipline. Most of us pride ourselves on our honor and our ability to keep our word to anyone else. That is a good thing and very noble. But let me ask you an even more important question…do you keep your word to yourself? Do you make yourself promises all the time that are impossible to keep (even though they are well intentioned?). Promises such as "I am going to work out every morning at 6:00 am before work?" Or "I'm not going to eat chocolate ever again!" If you want to create change in your life you will make promises to yourself. How many of you just made New Years resolutions? Are you still sticking to them? Make yourself few achievable promises and stick to them… Always!
If you don't do something different and make changes in your behavior, you are going to stay in the same place. You have to do different things to get a different result. I'm not going to say any of these things are easy. Change is not always easy. But the benefits you'll reap are well worth any struggle or uncomfortableness you experience. Go for it!
Kelly Robbins, founder of The Copywriting Institute, is the author of Powerful Interviewing Techniques for Healthcare Marketers and The Healthcare Copywriters Toolkit. Kelly Robbins is an award winning healthcare copywriter and marketing coach/consultant. Publisher of "The Copywriting Connection", Kelly helps writers and marketers learn to write phenomenal copy. Contact Kelly to receive her free report, "Six things every copywriter MUST know to make high profits in copywriting fast!" at or 303-460-0285.
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