Gender is not really a social issue nowadays. It is not surprising to see world leaders, chief executives, and even presidents who are wearing skirt. However, you must admit, that there are still a lot of issues that concern women more than men, and those are mainly due to the biological ...Gender is not really a social issue nowadays. It is not surprising to see world leaders, chief executives, and even presidents who are wearing skirt. However, you must admit, that there are still a lot of issues that concern women more than men, and those are mainly due to the biological differences of the two sexes. Below are some of the most common concerns of women and the ways to solve or address them:

Mood Changes

There have been a lot of anecdotes and phrases that created to describe the temperament of women. In fact, in some countries, storms or typhoons are named after women because they are always thought of as unpredictable. If there is one issue that men usually throw on women, it is the sudden and erratic mood changes.

This problem is not actually due to indecisiveness of women. More often than not, sudden bursts of emotions and changes in decisions can be attributed to hormonal fluctuations that happen during menstruation or days before the onset of the period. Scientists have confirmed that irritability is really apparent during this period, especially if there are drastic surges and crashes in the levels of estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body.

One solution is to relax and take a break. Many have successfully controlled their anxiety, tension and fatigue even during menstruation or menopause by engaging in yoga, tai chi and other activities that can help relax the nerves and the mind. Drinking a cup of tea, particularly chamomile, can also have a positive impact on a woman's temperament.

Premenstrual Syndrome

Before the monthly period of women, they usually experience a lot of things inside their bodies. These are a result of physiological changes they undergo before menstruation. Abdominal pains, sleep problems, depression, food cravings and even acne flare-outs are just some of the most common PMS symptoms that many women feel.

You can actually get rid of PMS signs through natural means. First, you need to eliminate stress. It seems that being stressed out can really affect the physiology of women, particularly during their periods. Next, supplementation with calcium, magnesium and vitamins are important so that the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome will not become severe. Lastly, regular exercise can also minimize your PMS woes.

However, if you are experiencing terrible pain, skipped menstruations, and other changes that you think should be considered abnormal, such as increased facial hair, extreme weight gain, and many others, then you should visit your gynecologist and seek some help.

Weight Gain

Nature has made a woman's body an efficient fat storage machine. The reason behind this is to ensure, by default, that you have enough energy to take care of the baby inside your uterus even when there is famine or drought.

Weight gain has been an issue for women for centuries. It seems that everybody wants to have a body as thin as that of Paris Hilton, with a bra size as big as that of Pamela Anderson. In order to manage your weight, the best thing you have to do is be more conscious about what you eat. Basically, if you do not want to get fat, try limiting your cake servings or minimizing your potato chip binging.

Exercising regularly coupled with strength training can also help you manage your weight. Exercise is important to improve your cardiovascular health, while strength training is important in building muscles. More muscles mean more active metabolism.

But if you think that your weight gain is due to water retention, then you need to drink plenty of water. Your body might be storing water because you are not getting enough fluids inside your body. Moreover, you can try to take supplements, such as Expelis, that are designed to address your water retention problem without disrupting your electrolytes. For more information about Expelis, just log on to

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine