Have you ever been in a situation where you were unhappy with your circumstances but didn’t quite know how to go about changing them? There are times when we're dissatisfied with an aspect of our life but can't imagine it being any different. And then there are times when we are poised to move forward but are frozen because there seem to be too many choices. We've all been there and it's not a great feeling. Part of the problem is that we are too focused on the current circumstances that we find ourselves in.

Everything that has ever been created has first been imagined. The basic laws of energy dictate that in order to manifest something, it must first be created at the level of thought, then move into the level of emotion (desire), and finally into the level of form. So if we want to manifest something in our lives, we must think it into being. But how do we do this? Say, for example, that you would like to be financially successful.

You can use the following strategy in order to begin manifesting financial success in your life. First, ask yourself the question, "what would it be like if…(fill in the blank i.e.; "..... I were financially successful?"). Then imagine yourself with this desire fulfilled, such as living a financially successful life. Really get into it. Imagine where you would live, what you would do, and most importantly, how you would feel. The last part is so important because it shifts the energy from the level of thought to the level of emotion, which brings it closer to form. Imagine the situation in an unlimited way (i.e.; do not put any limits on the amount of money you would be making or how wonderful your life would be).

This strategy also works when you have too many options floating around in your head and are not sure which one to choose. In this instance, you would "try on" the situation in order to determine if it is a good fit for you. So, if you wanted a job and had three or four options open to you, you would choose each one in turn and imagine what it would be like to work in that particular position. Really imagine yourself in each place, visualizing the surroundings, the people, the tasks you would have to do, etc. Then pay attention to your feelings. In each situation, do you feel peaceful, excited, overwhelmed, etc? You will instantly know which position is the right fit. You can use this in any situation, even if you are only faced with one choice. In that case, try the situation on and see if it feels good; if it does, go ahead with it, and if not, say no to it.

If you like the strategies offered in this blogpost, you will love my new Divinely Guided Life Intuitive Training Program. Check it out at my website-www.IntegratedEnergyHealing.com.

Author's Bio: 

Mary Riposo received her PhD in Child and Family Studies from Syracuse University. She is a NY State Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified School Psychologist. Mary has also completed training in a variety of healing modalities; she is an Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, Polarity Therapist, Soul Realignment Practitioner, and Divinely Guided Life Coach. She owns and runs the Center for Integrated Energy Healing, which offers energy healing sessions, transpersonal counseling, intuitive readings, intuitive development training, and Reiki certification classes. She has written a book, "Using Reiki with Children: A Guide for Parents and Professionals," which is available through her website. For more information, go to www.IntegratedEnergyHealing.com.