Disease is a devastating surprise for most people, which can totally change our lives and the lives of our family members. It seems to simply appear without warning to turn us from a healthy human being into a ravaged and sick human being. Because disease can strike without conscious warning and has no respect for age, gender, or our own personal intentions, we must begin to look at disease differently and to realize and acknowledge within our own mind that medicine does not know how to prevent or to heal disease. When we find ourselves living with disease, we can very easily be walking down the path of death. There is a way to prevent and to heal disease and the sooner we start taking care of ourselves, the more important our thinking and behaviors are going to be in healing our human body. Disease is created as the result of deficiencies of the vital nutrients that are required within our physical body to sustain and support our chemical cellular design in health.

We are chemical beings that are designed to restore our chemical pattern from the foods that we eat, the water that we drink, and the air that we breathe. Never forget this reality. Where do we get the chemicals that we must replace within our human design as our body uses them up in its normal function? Breathing pure air, drinking pure water, and eating the most organically grown fruits, vegetables, and meat that we can find is the normal way that we replace the essential chemicals within our body that we must have to support our cellular design in health. Taking medicine does not give us the chemicals that we need to be healthy. When we breathe clean air, drink pure water, and eat only organically grown foods that should be free of all man-made chemicals, we can restore our contaminated body cells and become healthy.

Disease is created within our internal cellular design from our chemical deficiencies when we live for months or years without replacing the precise chemicals that our body needs to stay healthy. If we eat foods that are contaminated with man-made chemicals that are not part of our chemical design, then we in turn contaminate the cells within our physical body through the foods that we eat, what we drink, and the air that we breathe. As we contaminate our physical body with the improper foods, air, and water, our body cannot maintain its health because of the deficiency of the essential nutrients that must be present for the healthy maintenance of our human cellular design.

When we begin to realize that we are responsible for our health and our disease, and that we create both deficiencies and excesses in our internal chemical balance when we do not eat appropriately and drink pure water, we can choose to change and to heal our disease. Our physical body must have the chemicals of nature to function properly. It is our personal responsibility to eat, drink, and breathe as a means of preserving our human cellular chemical design, which means that the quality of air, water, and natural foods that we eat determines our level of cellular health. There is no exception.

When we hear someone say, “All food is good food,” they are simply expressing their level of thought as ignorance that has been passed down through the generations of our medical thinking. Many of the foods sold today are guaranteed to make us sick because they are loaded with man-made chemicals, pesticides, and other toxins. The foods that we eat should replace the precise chemicals that are used to create our healthy body in the uterus of the mother. Years ago the medical world focused on the mother’s diet during pregnancy, but that is not as common today and much of the dietary information is inaccurate.

Today most of our foods are grown with pesticides and with other chemicals also being used in the soil. Manufactured foods are usually loaded with chemicals, which means as we eat from birth, we regularly contaminate our intestinal tract with chemicals that are not going to be useable in supporting the health of our body. If we live for ten years without the proper nutrients, then we are flirting with disease. Some people will not stay healthy for even that ten years, but others may last for forty or fifty years as they slowly grow their disease. This is all determined by the health of the body from birth until adulthood. The change that we will see in people that are prone to early disease is an early overall aging process. If we make it to 30, 40, or 50 by eating chemicals that do not sustain our cellular pattern, then we become at high risk of overwhelming disease as well as a garden variety of other diseases and ailments. These patterns can be seen in vast numbers of people as disease and other diseases invade their body.

When we have disease the disease can spread very quickly through the cells of our body and infect other organs or tissues. Disease can spread through our blood, lymph system, and other cells without our being aware of what is happening. We are not designed to be fully aware of our internal function or our internal contamination because we are not expected to contaminate ourselves, which interferes with our internal function. This is where our thinking mind comes into play. We must learn to eat, drink, and breathe from a pure Nature, because this is the source of nutrients for the health of our chemical design. Fresh pure air, clean water, and eating all natural foods grown in the soil of Nature restore the chemicals of our body in a natural way. Many municipal water supplies add chemicals such as fluoride to the water, which can act as a contaminant to our body and become a source of disease. Most bottled water in the United States comes from these contaminated municipal water supplies, and then, to add insult to injury, the water is bottled in plastic bottles and sold to the general public. When plastic bottles of water are left in the sun or stored in hot places, the chemicals in the plastic can leech into the water and contaminate us even more through our constant need for water.

We might also add chemicals to our air by using deodorant sprays or deodorant devices in our homes or cars, which can be toxic to our lungs and our overall health. It is safer to turn on a fan or to open a window. If we think that we can’t survive without underarm deodorants, we bathe frequently or use an underarm solid crystal form of deodorant. When we learn to eat organic foods, we have very little perspiration and no foul body or underarm odors to try to suppress. We do not need to use deodorants that are unhealthy to our human body when we drink pure water and eat strictly organic food products.

Another way of chemical contamination for all of us is our shampoos and rinses. Everyone needs to wash their hair, but we must pay particular attention to the types of shampoos and rinses that we use. An organic shampoo and rinse will serve us better in the long run than any other form of shampoo and rinse. Once we become familiar with reading labels, we can choose the best product that we can find. Our scalp is full of pores that allow our head to breathe. When we shampoo our hair, our scalp absorbs the chemicals that we are using. We might feel like we have a sinus infection shortly after we shampoo our hair. Our scalp is very porous and absorbs chemicals quickly. Permanents also contain dangerous chemicals that can affect our entire being for as long as one month and perhaps longer.

It is important for us to become conscious of our own internal reaction to our external chemical exposures. We must know what affects us and what does not seem to affect us. Some people can find themselves on an entire cycle of illness simply because of some seemingly simple exposure that they are living. Once we realize that chemicals are a major part of our allergy and disease syndrome, we can choose to be very conscious of what we do. A little research will provide us with the information that we need to choose wisely in all of our activities. Changing just a few chemical exposures in our lives can give us an entirely new lifestyle of peace and comfort. The less chemical exposure that we create for ourselves, the healthier our life should be.

Author's Bio: 

Kathy Oddenino, R.N., teaches Spiritual Philosophy, Neural Depolarization, and is the author of 8 books. Visit her web site for event information, and more. http://www.kathyoddenino.com