I was privately coaching with one of my EnergyRICH® Boot Camp members a few weeks ago (we’ll call her Debra) and she was frustrated with how to incorporate the EnergyRICH® concept of packaging her services. She was blocked and could not see how this could be done in her business.
Now, packages are an EnergyRICH® tool that I just love because they activate the energy of choice for your potential clients and this is a good thing as folks tend to like really have a part in saying how they can best be served (I know I’d be pretty annoyed if everywhere I went there was only one option). So, I asked her to go over each of the packages she had created so far. When I heard just one piece of info it was clear to me what the issue was and how we could take care of this pretty easy-breezy.
You see, Debra had made the same mistake a lot of entrepreneurs make when it comes to creating packages. She had created her packages based on how much time she was spending with her client rather than opening up to explore how each package and it’s amenities could be unique.
So how could Debra create packages that are unique, based on benefits and value rather than time? Like I said, Easy-Breezy!
I asked Debra to take a step back and from an observer’s point of view look at her services: her expertise, what she offers, and what she delivers to her clients and customers. Then we zeroed in on the most important part: what RESULTS her packages deliver. Clients don't pay for time, they pay for results. To help her (and you) I suggest turning to the well-know fairy-tale, “Goldilocks and The Three Bears.”

See, I like to call the use of packages in your business the “Papa, Mama, Baby” approach. Modeled after, yes, Goldilocks. She is the perfect example of a client trying to find their right fit. She likes the house she’s in (your business), but is trying to find the best way for it to serve her (your packages).

Again, people like to have options. If once you’ve attracted them to you and then all you have is one option and that doesn’t work for them, then what? Well, there’s a high percentage chance that they’ll walk.

Providing programs and packages provides choice and this opens up the door of opportunity (It also keeps you from living appointment-to-appointment wondering when a client will come back. Not so good for either of you, really.)

Now have fun with this! This is about making things easier for you, ok?

You can also use specific focuses for your packages. I have another client who is a Massage Therapist (we’ll call her Jane) who has created a specific package that focus on thyroid difficulty (which is so special and delivers such fabulous results that it has attracted a lot of client’s for her!)

Now, instead of trying to sell just a general offering or a list of features, Debra is set up to offer a choice of packages that are each rich with valuable benefits and right on target with what her clients want. Wahoooo!
Your EnergyRICH® Call To Action:
Start by creating your “PAPA” package:

List EVERYTHING you’ve ever offered a client through your service. I mean everything. Most likely there are pieces of your offering that you do automatically, but are really extra-added benefits … do you provide assessments? Handouts? How about materials of any kind? Extra time? Email support? Resources? Focus on a particular ailment or issue?

Look at it all. This is your TOP-END program.

Now, pair it back a bit = “MAMA” package.

Now, pair it back even more = “BABY” package.

Wahlaaaa! You’ve just activated the energy of choice for your clients and created more ease for yourself.

Author's Bio: 

Ready to implement systems that are an energetic match to you AND designed to bring you more money, more easily? Yes? The jump in and join the EnergyRICH® Business Boot Camp! You’ll be amazed at what starts to happen for you. You can ONLY win. The focused, powerful group energy begins to make things magically happen very quickly AND you’re given lots of important, practical step-by-step “how to’s” at the same time to help you systematize your business for growth and more money. Be sure to secure your spot at EnergyRichBootCamp.com (Please Know: This program is filling up and will not be offered again this year and never again at this rate.)