Do you have people (those who know you, like you, trust you, love you, and want the best for you) who are constantly giving you new clients? If not there is most likely only ONE reason why not ... they don't know what you're up to and who your ideal clients are!

See, most people are REALLY happy to help out. It makes them feel good. This is great news! The not so good news is that most entrepreneurs usually don't get to experience this because they don't know how to set up an effective, aligned-with-who -they-are referrals system. They feel like they will be seen as rude or unprofessional or will appear desperate if they let others know that they are happy to receive business.

Yikes! Can you feel the energy mis-match there?! You want more clients and business, but you are NOT willing to give this your attention and focus with those who already know you, like you, trust you, love you, and want the best for you? Sets you up to be working pretty hard at this business building thing, doesn't it?

When I started both of my businesses I reached out to my friends, my family, my past colleagues - my entire network! - and shared the excitement I felt about beginning something NEW. I asked them to celebrate with me by keeping their eyes, ears and hearts open to folks who would be a match to my service. (In the EnergyRICH® Business Boot Camp this has come to be known as The EnergyRICH® Celebratory Announcement Letter)

The result? I received clients right away!

The intention with this letter is for the energy to be celebratory (the same way you would send an announcement about an engagement, graduation or a party - people love to get good news!) AND to then consistently send it out. So for example you send 3-5 announcements at a time so there is space to follow up with folks after and check in (the same way you would check in to see if they are coming to a party). It gives you a chance to hear more about what's going on for them in their life and tell them personally more of what's new with you and your business.

I will also share with you when I first starting sending out these announcements I received ideal referrals who became clients right away, some of the people that I had directly sent the announcement to became my clients themselves, some people kept me in their thoughts and sent me clients months and even years later! And then, of course, there were the referrals from folks who were originally referred (they knew to refer people to me because that's how they had come to me!)

The key is - consistency. I still do this today. It's changed form a bit. I no longer need to announce that I've started a business, but I DO announce what's NEW in my business. It's a system that I've been using and that's been working for me for years.

EnergyRICH® Hint: Always give gratitude for referrals sent - immediately. Send an appreciation gift to the person who sent you a referral right away, ok?

Your EnergyRICH® Call To Action

1. Check in - what do you have to celebrate and share about your business?

2. Create an announcement letter sharing this news.

3. Send it to folks that you already know (your family, friends and colleagues, past clients ...)

4. Activate the energy of celebration!

5. In your announcement describe your Ideal Client and ask them to keep their eyes, ears and hearts open to folks who are a match to your description.

6. Send it "snail-mail."

7. Follow-up with a check in email or phone call.

If you still feel a sense of fear around creating a referral system and letting new clients and business flow in the I highly recommend picking up a copy of the EnergyRICH® Audio and Action-Book, "How to Move Through Fear for Money." We get right to the heart of what's holding you back specifically when it comes to having a solid relationship with money. This tip itself will have you ready for more clients and happy to share with others what you're up to in your business!

Author's Bio: 

Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success Coach, has over 11 years of teaching and coaching experience. Her coaching philosophy is that an individual cannot "do" business, but needs to BE business at a holistic level that integrates thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. She calls this managing your energy. It's important that an entrepreneur do the inner and outer work necessary to activate this skill and belief in them. Only when you have activated this in you, can you fully and confidently present yourself and your business to others. That is what is at the heart of assisting individuals in making all successful outer changes in your business.