You see a smile across the room that seems to light up your whole being. The next thing you know your eyes meet and you can’t seem to look away. You are excited and nervous all at once. When you say ‘hello” you heart is beating so loud you think everyone in the room can hear it. That is just the beginning.

The next few weeks you talk on the phone for hours on end. Sometimes three or four times a day. You want to share every moment together. Your souls are connected and it seem like you have known each other your whole life. You think I finally met the one I have been longing far. This is my soulmate. Life is better then you ever dreamed it could be.

Days, weeks, months and even years may go by. Then all of a sudden you wake up one day and something as changed. You start wondering what is wrong. Things start falling apart. You are thinking this can’t be happening. This is my soulmate. You know it. You feel it. You are right!!! It is your soulmate. The person is from your soul family.

We are all longing to find this one true love that we can share our lives with. We feel it in our hearts and some of us even have visions and dreams of that special someone. But, we struggle on all levels trying to understand relationships and soul-mate's. This seems to be the biggest issue in our world.

What we need to do is understand, “What are soul-mate's?” Soul-mate's are souls from the same soul family. Soul-mates can be a mother, sister, friend, father, brother, or what we most identify the word with “a lover.”

Let’s talk about the lover soulmate. Why, don’t they work out? When we came into this world we came here to grow and to learn life lessons. Before we were born members of our soul family agreed to come into our lives to help us to learn these life lessons. You both agreed to come together to help each other to over come your negative karma.

When we meet someone that we feel is a soulmate then the real question you need to ask yourself is “What is it I need to learn?” Once you or the other person has learned the lesson then the person is ready to move on. This is where we get stuck and try to hold on to what we think it should be. Soul-mates are only here to help us to grow and remove our karma debt.

Once we start clearing our negative karma then we are able to move in the right direction that will bring us closer to the one we are meant to be with. Remember we never question health relationships so if you are questioning something then you need to find out what you need to learn.

What your soul is really longing for is your Twin Flame. Stay tuned for Twin Flames.

Author's Bio: 

Carol Guy is an angelic counselor. She is the author of A Healthy Mind Leads To A Healthy Body and her new book, Coming Out Of the Spiritual Closet: Being An Earth Angel, sharing the first part of her life as an earth angel. She is the host her own radio program called Earth Angel with Blog Talk Radio.