Congratulations! You have now defined “Your Blissful Life” as it pertains to you. It is your unique blissfulness, so no one will have exactly the same definition as you. You have reached a milestone that most people never do. Notice how good you feel at this moment. Revel in it for this is how you will live the rest of your life! See how good it feels to be free? Reward yourself! Treat yourself to a special something for all of your hard work.

You need to do two more things before you begin moving toward “Your Blissful Life.”

First, review all that you have completed so far.
1. Identifying all of your parts
2. Defining what you want your life to be like in each part you identified
3. Ranked your parts in order of importance to you

As you review your accomplishments from each step above, feel free to make any necessary adjustments. This is your personal journey. You are the only person who determines if it fits you. It is very common for people to identify new parts, make deeper discoveries, redefine their parts, and even re-rank their parts. This is yet another sign of the growth and discovery you are experiencing.

Let’s now take another look at your blissful life. Pretend you are in a beautiful, colorful hot air balloon. I am sure that you have seen the awesome pictures from the hot air balloon festival they have in New Mexico every year. They are all different shapes and sizes and come in an infinite number of colors. Close your eyes now and imagine that you are in one of the balloons. Feel the cool breeze on your skin, hear the hot air being blown into the balloon to keep you aloft, look down and see the beautiful landscape around you, beautiful and tranquil, that’s rights, enjoy this experience.. Once you are in the moment, continue reading.

As you float above your blissful life,” take note of everything you see, hear, and all the feelings you are experiencing. Answer the following questions for each individual part.

What is different about you?

Are you smiling?

Are you laughing?

How do you feel?

Are you enjoying “Your Blissful Life?”

Repeat this process for each “part” of your blissful life. When you are satisfied with this list, your blissful life is clearly defined.

The second and final step before moving forward is your acceptance of your blissful life. You must be in total agreement with yourself, for every part of yourself, in every feeling about yourself. Allow yourself to experience your newly defined blissfulness.

Once you fully accept your blissful life, you can begin to define a course of action, commit to your course, and achieve your blissful life.

For me, acceptance took some time. It took me many months to give myself permission to truly embrace the life I so desired. I was changing in so many ways and so quickly. I was enjoying it but, at the same time, I was struggling to give myself the permission to seek out my blissful life. There wasn’t a single “Ah-Ha” moment for me here. No, it was the realization that in order to achieve the happiness that I truly desired in my life, I first had to be happy with me. I had accepted that what I wanted for me was okay. Nobody had ever said that to me before—or at least I wasn’t hearing it. It was only after my total acceptance of my blissful life that I was able to continue on my path and take action toward achieving my blissful life.

My next few articles will walk you through the process to achieve “Your Blissful Life.”

Author's Bio: 

Timothy A. McGinty is the published co-author of the highly regarded Wake Up... Live the Life You Love® series. This series is a collaborative effort with such inspirational leaders as Tony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracey, Steven E, and Lee Beard.

Mr. McGinty is also the author of “Your Blissful Life”, a book which takes the reader by the hand and walks them through the process for defining their “Blissful Life” and their action plan for achieving it.

Imagine Yourself… is an organization focused on enabling clients “breakthrough” in achieving their success. Mr. McGinty has helped many organizations and individuals discover their passion, define the life balance they seek, develop strategies for achieving that balance, and held them accountable for reaching their goals.His clients have been so successful that Mr. McGinty is known as "The Breakthrough Authority"