There are many people in this world who are addicted to drugs. There are many reasons behind such addiction. Some people take drugs in order to spend nice time with his friends. There are many people who consume drugs in order to get rid of the depressions and the frustrations of life. This world, according to them, is not a better place to live in. Generally the youngsters get addicted to drugs every now and then. They spend large amounts of money in buying these drugs. These drugs finally kill them. Many people try to experiment with drugs. They buy drugs in order to taste the effects of drugs on their body. In the process they get addicted.

Even sports persons sometimes take drugs because they want to increase their level of stamina which will help them to boost up their performance. But in sports this is not allowed. If a person is caught of taking drugs, then he will instantly be asked to go out. His name will be struck off immediately. So every sports person should be extra careful and should not take drug by any means.

Sometimes, the use of drug turns out to be the misuse of drug. A person taking drugs on a continuous basis fails to understand when he has already crossed the limit of using drug and is continuously abusing it. At that point his intake of drugs changes into addiction. He loses all control of himself and in this way remains cut off from society.

The most important part of our body which gets affected due to drug is the brain. The brain stops functioning properly. A person tends to feel mentally ill without the use of drug. Drug contains such substance that gives a feeling of pleasure to the brain. So the brain gets addicted to it and wants to get it every time. Herein raises the concept of addiction. If it does not get the proper dose, it stops functioning.

When a person gets addicted to inhalants like heroin, xanax or speed, he lacks the control of intake and starts taking them without any break. Whenever he does not get it, he gets mad as he fails to control himself and all his controlling power get lost. The urge that the person feels is too strong. The brain interprets and finds out diverse ways to construe the intake of drugs as rational.

Author's Bio: 

Brad Grimmius is a renowned personality who has been associated with many online companies that deal in providing relevant information on different health topic matters. Brad Grimmius is also aware of varied weight loss and fitness products. Know more about drug abuse information and practicing meditation.