People often say, “I really wished that my child would listen. He’s forever getting himself in trouble; at school, at home…” They then go into details of the many ways this child does these awful things. Regardless, there is a easy answer to this if you believe in yourself. Instead of thinking negative of all the ways this child can get into unwanted things and behaviors, think of all the good things you would like to see in this child even if you cannot see them at this moment.

What Difference Would This Make?

I can tell you that it makes all of the difference in the world. Because when we give positive energy to anything it encircles that positive energy around that person and back to us. When you are only giving out negative energy that person is kept in that negative energy field and we along with it. When someone is close to you, in this case your daughter or son, it is even more powerful to give positive thoughts to a situation you don’t want included into that person's or your life.

The more you see things in your child that you don’t want to see the more that you will see it. Your opinion about your child plays a greater role in his or her behavior than you think. What we tend to do as parents is only see the unwanted behavior and play it over and over looking for ways to change it--seeking advice that never helps and then throwing our hands up in the air saying, “I knew she/he wouldn’t change, I knew that advice wouldn’t help” and hence the powerful Law of Attraction says, “Your wish is my command!”

What we often fail to understand is the thoughts that we are constantly adding to negative situations. Our thoughts are very powerful and they don’t just work in manifestation of things because we are all one of the whole. In other words when you think of someone in a negative way, in this case a child, it does play out in their life. What you do not understand is that children want to please deep down no matter how it may look on the outside to you, and often they struggle with the ability to please. Sometimes they give up because all they hear is negativity from an adult. The circle of negative activity is then energized like the bunny on the commercials, it goes around and around. The child doesn’t really care and the parent reiterates the negative ways in which they think and speak and no one moves forward.

How to Change This Around

Frequently we find ourselves in frustration with life and our own situations, which at the time although not related to the child, still becomes about the child. In other words the child becomes the brunt of that situation, which again, adds to the unwanted behavior of him/her. We may not do this purposefully but regardless, with many parents this often happens. Listen to the way you talk to your child. Do you hear yourself in the replies that come back? Maybe you haven’t but remember children learn from birth to imitate their parents or caregiver. Change the way you reply and eventually the child will learn another way to reply also.

To change this we have to change our way of thinking. We have to redirect our thoughts of our child from the negative to the positive energy field. However, this won’t happen overnight, but given some time you will see the changes. Each time you go to that old pattern of negative thoughts about your child change them. Also write down all positive aspects of your child. All the good characteristics of him/her, all nice things he/she may have done, even if there are few find them and think about them. Think about if you didn’t have that child anymore what would you miss?

Start to give compliments and praise when it is due. Everyone of us on this earth live for appreciation. Each time you appreciate someone it comes back to you, this is unfailing with an unfailing universe.

Eventually you will see a change.

Author's Bio: 

Pamela Hamilton is the co-author of Your Invincible Power series of books and the Vice President of the Your Invincible Power Company. We have created a series of books to assist in the understanding and use the Law of Attraction in everyday situation.

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