Now, now, we are not telling you to binge to be productive especially in a BPO company. That would make you the complete opposite. But having worked in the health industry as well, I know a few good things that can help boost your energy by simply eating right!

Did you know that eating every four (4) hours could help stabilize your digestion and in turn help you digest quicker? A diet is never about starving yourself at any time in the day, but always about the quantity you eat and the time frame within which you take your food. Here are a few daily essentials to keep you awake and feeling great:

Fruits. They are best served in the afternoon (consider it your afternoon snack) when your skin is most vibrant. Fruits help suppress your appetite just a little to help you wait on for dinner.

Wine. A glass in the afternoon is good. It will calm you early enough to give you the rest that you need when it is time to hit the sack. Did we mention that sleeping well contributed to productivity as well? Well, I am sure you know that. You can’t get far with your body shutting down. So make sure you assist yourself to getting a good night’s sleep if you are having difficulty already.

Oats. Fiber sweeps your intestines and helps clean you. After a successful trip to the loo, you will be surprised at how these can actually give you that push to start your day right. Ever notice how when your stomach is full, you move a little slower? Well, you know the answer now! Productivity is just a few bites away.

Eat right and the rest will follow. You’ll be surprised at how much of the right nutrients can take you a long way. And remember, do everything in moderation!

Author's Bio: 

Matt Hallaran is the founder of Sidekiiks Incorporated a BPO Company. Sidekiiks is an offshore outsourcing company that specializes in providing a wide range of business solutions such as Call Center Services, Executive Virtual Assistant & Online Marketing Management for lead generation to entrepreneurs and SME’s.