First ~ Earth: The Root (or Base) Chakra

Essential oils: Valor
Apply topically to the bottoms of the feet and sacrum.

The root (or base) chakra is the first and most important chakra for yoga or any kind of healing work. The key words here are courage, security, safety, grounding, and boundaries.

This is the starting point of your journey.

Element: Earth

Position: Base of the Spine
Objective: Birth issues, survival patterns, generational patterns, money, food and health issues, grounding

Position:Base of the Spine
Objective:Birth issues, survival patterns, generational patterns, money, food and health issues, grounding

When your Root Chakra is closed:

You struggle with weight and body issues.
You frequently struggle with debt and lack of money.
You carry an underlying sense of not being worth it and not belonging.
You struggle with weight and body issues

When your Root Chakra is opened:

You are content with your body.
You are confident with money, managing it well and always having enough for what you need and want.
You feel like you belong and have a strong connection with your family and or friends, and as a result feel wanted and loved.

Activities to assist Balance your Root Chakra

Aromatherapy with Young Living Valor


Wearing red clothing

Bare feet in the grass

Foot massage

Cash management


Grounding Meditation

Gardening, getting out in nature

Yoga, Reiki Sessions, Massage

Author's Bio: 

I have a passion for helping women go from Funk to Fabulous…..a Follower of the Moon Cycles….a wanna be barefoot earth walker (if only I lived in the right Province)….The elements of the Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit are my guides, I am a knower of Soul Wisdom….a Shamanese....a Revealer of giving yourself the Life you Deserve..